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    Мука и макаронные изделия Краситель Сыры и творог Крупы и каши Аллерген Соки и компоты ГМО Идентичный натуральному Носитель Овощи и зелень McDonalds Хлебобулочные изделия Вещества-отбеливатели Кондитерские изделия Ароматизатор Консервант Регулятор кислотности Шоколад Масла и жиры Грибы Напитки алкогольные Компоненты продуктов питания Усилитель вкуса и аромата Ягоды Первые блюда К пиву Антиоксидант Японская кухня Рыба и морепродукты Структураторы Подсластитель Бондюэль Сдобная выпечка Колбасные изделия Мороженое Макроэлементы Антибиотик Влагоудерживающие агенты Напитки безалкогольные Салаты Осветлитель Детское питание СПЭНы Торты Орехи и сухофрукты Эмульгатор Молочные продукты Стабилизаторы пены Искусственное происхождение Загуститель Мясные продукты Глазирующий агент Натуральное происхождение Натуральные красители Стабилизатор Мучные изделия Добавки, препятствующие... Яйца Фрукты Гелеобразователь

    FDA. Listing of Food Additive Status

    This Food Additives Status List, formerly called Appendix A of the Investigations Operations Manual (IOM), organizes additives found in many parts of 21 CFR into one alphabetized list.

    This Food Additives Status List, formerly called Appendix A of the Investigations Operations Manual (IOM),  organizes additives found in many parts of 21 CFR into one alphabetized list. Additives included are those specified in the regulations promulgated under the FD&C Act, under Sections 401 (Food
    The Food Additive Status List omits certain categories of additives. Here are the omissions:
    Obviously safe substances not cited in a regulation as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). You may find such substances on an FDA web site, which contains received from companies sincE1998, and FDA's response.
    Synthetic flavoring substances in 21CFR 172.515. The CFR does not contain a complete list of permissible flavorings. Certain trade groups such as the Flavor Extract Manufacturers Association have established expert panels to evaluate and make determinations on the GRAS status of their products. If y
    Those pending administrative determination.
    Substances granted prior sanction for specific use prior to enactment of the Food Additives Amendment. For additional information on these substances, contact the CFSAN Office of Food Additive Safety (HFS-200) at (240) 402-1200.
    Indirect food additives, 21 CFR Parts 175, 176, 177, & Part 178 (except that sanitizing agents for food processing equipment as listed in 178.1010 are included in the Food Additives list.) Be aware that as a result of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 and Antimicrobial Regulation Technical Cor
    Color additives, 21 CFR Parts 70, 71, 73, 74, 80 & 82. Go to the Color Additives Status List following the Food Additives Status list in Appendix A.
    NOTE: The Food Additives Status List is provided only as a quick look-up on the use limitations for a food additive or pesticide chemical. It is possible that mistakes or omissions could have occurred. Additionally, there may be cases where the agency has offered interpretations concerning specific 
    AC	Anticaking agent
    AOX	Antioxidant
    BL	Bleaching agent or flour-maturing agent
    CTG	Component or coating for fruits & vegetables
    EMUL	Emulsifier
    ESO	Essential oil and/or oleoresin (solvent free)
    FLAV	Natural flavoring agent
    FUM	Fumigant
    HERB	Herbicide
    INH	Inhibitor
    NAT	Natural substances and extractives
    NUTR	Nutrient
    PEST	Pesticide other than fumigant
    SANI	Sanitizing agent for food processing equipment
    SEQ	Sequestrant
    SP	Spices, other natural seasonings & flavorings
    STAB	Stabilizer
    AF	Antifoaming (or defoaming) agent
    BC	Boiler compound
    B&N	Buffer and neutralizing agent
    DS	Dietary supplement
    ENZ	Enzyme
    FEED	Substances under the Food Additives Amendment added directly to feed
    FL/ADJ	Substance used in conjunction with flavors
    FUNG	Fungicide
    HOR	Hormone
    MISC	Miscellaneous
    NNS	Non-nutritive sweetener
    NUTRS	Nutritive Sweetener
    PRES	Chemical preservative
    SDA	Solubilizing and dispersing agent
    SOLV	Solvent
    SP/ADJ	Spray adjuvant
    SY/FL	Synthetic flavor
    Acacia (gum arabic)- EMUL/STAB, REG, Used as thickener, emulsifier, or stabilizer at =20% of alcoholic beverages-172.780, GRAS/FS, See Reg Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 169, Food Dressings and Flavorings; Part 169.179, Vanilla Pwd-184.1330
    Acephate - PEST, REG, 40 CFR 180.108
    Acesulfame potassium - NNS, REG, See Regulation -172.800
    Acetic acid - B&N/FEED, GRAS/FS, Part 133, Cheese; Part 582.1005, In animal feed practices; 184.1005, 172.814
    Acetic anhydride - MISC, REG, In modifying food starch -172.892
    Acetone - SOLV, REG, 30 ppm - As residual solvent in spice oleoresins 173.210
    Acetone peroxides - BL, REG/FS, GMP, Part 137, Cereal Flours -172.802
    Acetyl-(p-nitrophenyl)-sulfanilamide - FEED, REG, See: Sulfanitran
    N-Acetyl-L-Methionine (free, hydrated, or anhydrous, or sodium or potassium salts) - NUTR, REG, In foods, except infant foods and foods containing added nitrites/nitrates -172.372
    Acetylated monoglycerides - EMUL, REG, GMP, Used in food, food processing, food pkg or food stg equipment -172.828
    Acidified sodium chlorite solutions - REG, Microbial control agent in water for processing poultry, raw agricultural commodities, processed fruits, processed root, tuber, bulb, legume, fruiting (i.e., eggplant, groundcherry, pepino, pepper, tomatillo, and tomato), curcurbit and leafy vegetables, red
    Acifluorfen, Sodium -Sodium salt of acifluorfen; tolerances for residues-40 CFR 180.383
    Aconitic acid (equisetic acid, citridic acid, achilleic acid) -SY/FL, GRAS/FS - 184.1007
    Acrolein - MISC, REG, In modifying food starch - 172.892
    Acrylamide -acrylic acid resin - GMP, MISC, REG, < 5 ppm by wt of juice - Used in clarifying beet sugar or cane sugar juice and liquor or corn starch hydrolyzate - 173.5; < 10 ppm by wt of liquor or hydrolyzate; Fixing agent for the immobilization of glucose isomerase for use in manufactur­ing high 
    Acrylamide-Sodium Acrylate Resin - MISC, REG, 173.5, Boiler Water Additive - 173.310, 172.710 - Adjuvants for pesticide use dilutions
    Acrylic Acid 12-acrylamido-2,2-propionic sulfonic acid copolymer - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water - 173.310
    Acrilonitrile copolymers - 180.22
    Adjuvants for pesticides use dilutions - ADG/PEST, REG, Surfactants and adjuvants added to pesticide use dilutions to growing crops - 172.710
    Adipic acid - B&N/FEED, GRAS, GMP, In animal feed practices - 582.1005 - FLV, GRAS - 184.1009
    Adipic anhydride - MISC, REG, In modifying food starch -172.892
    Agar-agar - MISC, GRAS/FS, GRAS - 184.1115 - 0.8% -In baked goods and baking mixes; 2.0% - In confections & frostings; 1.2% - In soft candy; 0.25% - In all other candy; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 150 Art Swt Jelly & Preserves
    Aklomide (2-chloro-4-nitro-benzamide) - FEED, REG, 4.5 ppm - In liver & muscles of uncooked edible tissue -556.30; 3 ppm - In skin w/fat of chickens - 556.30 - UsE558.35
    Alachlor -REG, Residues in or on agricultural commodities - 40CFR 180.249
    DL-Alanine - FL/ADJ, REG, 1% of pickling spice - As a flavor enhancer for sweeteners in pickling mix - 172.540 L-Alanine - NUTR, REG - 172.320
    Albendazole -VET, REG, Use in cattle as suspension -520.45a; Use in cattle as paste - 520.45b; 0.2 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible cattle tissue - 556.34 (aminosulfone metabolite); 0.6 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible cattle muscles - 556.34; 1.2 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible cattle liv
    Alcohol, Denatured Formula 23A - MISC, REG - 73.1 Diluent in color additive mixtures for coloring shell eggs
    Alcohol, SDA-3A - MISC, REG - 73.1 - Diluent in color additive for marking food
    Alcohols/Phosphate Esters of Same Mixture - MISC, REG - 173.315, May be used at a level not to exceed 0.2 percent in lye-peeling solution to assist in the lye peeling of fruit and vegetables.
    Aldicarb - PEST, REG - Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.269
    Alfalfa, Extract - GRAS - 182.20
    Alfalfa herb and seed - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10
    Algae, brown (kelp), or red - NAT, GRAS, REG -184.1120, 184.1121 and 172.365
    Alginic Acid and Salts:
    Ammonium alginate - MISC, REG, Boiler Water Additive -173.310
    Calcium alginate - GRAS - 184.1187
    Potassium alginate - GRAS - 184.1610
    Sodium alginate - GRAS, REG - 184.1724, Boiler Water Additive - 173.310
    Alginic acid - GRAS, 184.1011
    Algin - STAB, GRAS/FS, Part 133, Cheeses; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 150 Jellies and Preserves;
    Alkanomide produced by condensation of coconut oil fatty acids and diethanolamine - MISC, REG, < 0.2% by wt application rate - In delinting of cottonseeds - 173.322
    n-Alkyl (C12-C18) benzyldimethyl-ammonium chloride -cpds, av mol wt 351-380 - SANI, REG, < 200ppm or 150-400 ppm - Of active quaternary compound in the sanitizing solution - 178.1010
    n-Alkyl (C12-C14) dimethylethylbenzyl ammonium chloride - SANI, REG, 200 ppm - Of active quaternary compound in the sanitizing solution - 178.1010
    -alkyl-hydroxy-poly(oxyethylene) - MISC, REG, < 3 ppm in the flume water - In flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operations - 173.315; < 0.3% by wt application rate - In delinting of cottonseeds - 173.322
    Alkylene Oxide Adducts of Alkyl Alcohols - MISC, REG, <0.2% in lye peeling - Assist in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables - 173.315
    Allspice-SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Allspice oil and oleoresin - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Almond, bitter - ESO, GRAS, Free from prussic acid -182.20
    Aloe - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Used only in conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase - ENZ, REG.GMP enzyme preparation (derived from Bacillus subtillis modified by recombinant methods to contain gene coding for enzyme from B. brevis), Used as a processing aid in the production of alcoholic malt beverages and distilled liquors -173.115.
    Alpha-amylase - ENZ, REG, used to modify food starch -172.892
    Alpha-galactosidase from Morteirella vinaceae var rafinoseutilizer - ENZ, REG, No residue in finished product - Used in the production of sugar (sucrose) from sugar beets and increase sucrose yield in molasses - 173.145
    Althea flowers or root (marshmallow root) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP - Used only in conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Aluminum ammonium sulfate - B&N, GRAS - 182.1127
    Aluminum calcium silicate - AC, GRAS/FS - 182.2122 -< 2% by wt - Table salt; Part 169.179, Vanilla Powder
    Aluminum nicotinate - DS, REG, As a source of niacin in foods for special dietary use - 172.310
    Aluminum phosphide (phosphine) -FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.225
    Aluminum potassium sulfate - B&N, GRAS
    Aluminum salts of fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP - Binder, emul, and AC agent - 172.863
    Aluminum sodium sulfate - B&N, GRAS
    Aluminum stearate - AF, REG, X-ref - Defoaming agent comp - 173.340 (Used in processing beet sugar & yeast)
    Aluminum sulfate - MISC, GRAS, Part 582 - Animal feed; REG, <2.0% in combo. w/<2.0% of 1-octenyl succinic anhydride -In modifying food starch -172.892; FEED,GMP/GRAS - 582.1125
    Ambergris - MISC, GRAS
    Ambrette (seed) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Amino Acids - 172.320
    p-Aminobenzoic acid - MISC, GRAS, <30 mg per day
    Aminoglycoside 3'phosphotransferase II - 173.170
    Aminopeptidase from Lactococcus lactis - MISC, GRAS - To make cheddar cheese and protein hydrolysates -184, 1985
    Amitraz - PEST, REG, see 40CFR 180.287
    Ammonia - PEST,REG, Exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance - 40 CFR 180.1003
    Ammoniated cottonseed meal - FEED, REG, <20% of total ration - In feed of ruminants as source of protein and non-protein nitrogen - 573.140; <10% of total ration for laying chickens - In feed of chickens as source of protein and non-protein nitrogen (573.140)
    Ammoniated glycyrrhizin, licorice, or glycyrrhiza - MISC, FS, GMP, See Licorice
    Ammoniated rice hulls - FEED, REG, <20 % of total ration - In feed of beef cattle as source of crude fiber and sole source of non-protein nitrogen - 573.160
    Ammonium alginate - STAB, GRAS; BC, REG, GMP - In boiler water - 173.310
    Ammonium bicarbonate - B&N, GRAS/FS, Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 582 - Animal feeds - 184.1135
    Ammonium carbonate - B&N, GRAS/FS, Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 582 - Animal feeds - 184.1137
    Ammonium caseinate - MISC, FS, Part 136, Bakery Products
    Ammonium chloride - MISC, FS/GRAS, Part 136, Bakery Pdts - 184.1138
    Ammonium hydroxide - B&N, GRAS/FS, Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 582 - Animal feeds - 184.1137, 184.1139
    Ammonium persulfate - MISC, REG, <0.075% - Modifier for food starch - 172.892; <0.05% sulfur dioxide
    Ammonium phosphate (mono- and dibasic) - B&N, GRAS/FS, Part 136, Bakery Pdts; Part 582 - Animal feeds -184.1139, 184.1141, 184.1141a, 184.1141b
    Ammonium saccharin - NNS, See Saccharin
    Ammonium sulfate - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1143
    Amoxicillin -VET, REG, 0.01 ppm - In uncooked edible tissues of cattle - 556.38; In milk - 556.38; Use: As Powder & Bolus
    Ampicillin -VET, REG, 0.01 ppm neg residues - In uncooked edible tissues of cattle & swine; In milk - 556.40;
    Amprolium (1-(4-amino-2-n-propyl-5-pyrimldinyl-methyl)-2- picolinium chloride hydrochloride) alone or comb/w other drugs and antibiotics - FEED/VET, REG, 1 ppm - In uncooked liver and kidneys of chickens, turkeys, and pheasants as a residue - 556.50; 0.5 ppm - In uncooked muscle meat of chickens, tu
    Amylase from Aspercillgus Oryzae - ENZ, REG -137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 137.200, 137.205
    Amyloglucosidase Enzyme Product - ENZ, REG, <0.1% by Wt. of gelatinized starch - 173.110 - Degrading gelatinized starch into constituent sugars, in the production of distilled spirits & vinegar
    Amyris - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Used in conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Angelica (root, stem, seed) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Angola weed - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic bev only -172.510
    Angostura (cusparia bark) - ESO/SP, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Anhydrous ammonia - FEED, REG, > 16% but < 17% ammonia in feed premix - Source of crude fiber & non-pro-tein nitrogen - 573.180
    Animal protein hydrolysate, cond - FEED, REG, Source of animal protein - 573.200
    Anise, Star Anise - SP/ESO, GRAS
    Anoxomer - AOX, REG, 5000 ppm - 172.105
    Antibiotics for growth promotion and feed efficiency -FEED, REG, See Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate; See Bacitracin Zinc, Bambermycins, Chlortetracycline, Erythromycin thiocyanate, Lincomycin, Monensin, Oleandomycin, Oxytetracycline, Tylosin, Virginiamycin;
    Anthracite Coal, Sulfonated - MISC, REG - 173.25 - Ion Exchange Resins, Meeting requirements of ASTM method D388-38, Class 1, Group 2
    Apramycin - REG, 0.1 ppm - In uncooked muscle of swine - 556.52; 0.3 ppm - In swine liver - do; 0.4 ppm - In kidney & fat of swine - do; Use: Drinking water -520.110
    Apricot kernel (persic oil) - NAT, GRAS
    Arabinogalactan - EMUL, REG, GMP, In essential oils, non-nutritive sweeteners, flavor bases, non-standardized dressings, and pudding mixes - 172.610; MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of microcapsules for flavoring oils - 172.230
    Arginine (l form only) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Arnica flower extract - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Arsanilic acid - FEED, REG, (See Arsenic) In poultry feed - 558.55;558.58; 558.62; 558.248; 558.680; PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.550
    Arsenic - FEED, REG, 2 ppm - As residue in liver & kidney of swine - 556.60; 2 ppm - As residue in edible bypdts of chickens & turkeys - do; 0.5 ppm - As residue in muscle meat of chickens & turkeys, in eggs, & in muscle meat and by-products (other than kidney & liver) of swine - do
    Artemisia - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Finished food thujone free - 172.510
    Artichoke leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Asafoetida - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Ascorbic acid - PRES, GRAS, GMP - 182.3013; DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5013; NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.8013; MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 137, Cereal Flours; 150.141, 150.161, Art Sw Jellies & Preserves; 155.200 - Canned Mushrooms & Artichokes
    Ascorbyl palmitate - GRAS - For use as a preservative in foods - 182.3149
    Asparagine (l-form) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Aspartame - NUTRS, REG, GMP, Sweetening agent, sugar substitute uses stated in - 172.804. Sugar substitute tablets, breakfast cereals, chewing gum, dry bases for beverages, instant coffee and tea beverages, gelatins, puddings, fillings, and dairy product analog toppi
    Aspartic acid (l-form) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Aspergillus Niger - MISC, REG, For Fermentation Production of Citric Acid - 173.280
    Avermectin B1 and its delta-8.9-isomer - 40CFR 449
    Azaperone - VET, REG, Use: Swine (Injection) - 522.150
    Azodicarbonamide - BL, REG/FS, 45 ppm in flour - Part 137, Cereal Flours & 172.806
    Bacitracin, manganese bacitracin, zinc bacitracin, Bacitracin methylene disalicylate - FEED/VET, REG, 0.5 ppm (neg res) - As residue in meat and meat by-products of cattle, poultry, pheasants, quail, and swine and in milk & eggs - 556.70; For feed use seE558.55, 558.58, 558.62, 558.76, 558.78, 558.
    Bacteria (harmless, lactic acid producing; propionic acid producing) - MISC, FS, Part 133, Cheeses; Part 166, Margarine
    Bacterial Catalase - See Catalase, Bacterial Bakers Yeast Glycan - EMUL/STAB, REG, <10,000 organisms/gm by APC - 169.150, Salad Dressings; 172.898 as emulsifier; <10 yeast & molds/gm - Thickener, stabilizer or texturizer; < 5% - In salad dressings, 172.898; GMP, In frozen dessert analogs, sour cream
    Bakers Yeast Protein (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) -NUTR, REG, <10,000 organisms/gm by APC - In foods as Nutrient supplement, 172.325; <10 yeast and mold/gm in final product
    Balm (lemon balm) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20 Balsam of Peru - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Bambermycins - FEED, REG, For feed uses in chickens, turkeys, & swine - 558.95
    Basil - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Basil (bush and sweet) - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Bay, Bay leaves - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Bay, (Myrcia Oil) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Beeswax (bleached, white wax) - MISC, GRAS
    Beeswax (yellow wax) - MISC, GRAS - 184.1973
    Beeswax, white (cire d'abeille) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction with flavors - 172.510
    Benomyl - FUNG, REG, Pesticide, Tolerances for residues -40 CFR 180.294
    Bensulfuron methyl - HERB, REG, Tolerances for residues 40 CFR 180.445
    Bentazon - REG, 40 CFR 180.355
    Bentonite - FEED, GRAS, GMP 21CFR 582.1155
    Benzathine cloxacillin -VET, REG, 0.02 ppm - As residues in milk - 556.115; Use: Infusion - 526.363
    Benzene - MISC, REG, 1.0 ppm - In modified hop extract for beer - 172.560
    Benzoic Acid - PRES, GRAS, 0.1%
    Benzoin Resin - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction with flavors - 172.510, 73.1
    Benzoyl Peroxide - BL, FS, Part 137, Cereal Flours; Part 133 for milk to be used in certain cheeses
    Bergamot (bergamot orange) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Beta-carotene - NUTR, GRAS, GMP, Use: Direct human food ingredient - 184.1245
    BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) - AOX/FS, GRAS, 0.02% - Of fat or oil content, incl essential (volatile) oil, or food, incl oleomargarine - Part 166, Margarine; AOX, REG, 10 ppm, alone or w/BHT - In potato granules - 172.110; 32 ppm - In mixed diced, glazed fruits - 1
    BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) - AOX, GRAS, 0.02% -Of fat or oil content, incl essential oil, of food, incl oleomargarine Part 166 - Margarine; FS, 33 ppm in rice - In enriched parboiled rice - Part 137.350; FS, <0.02% in oleomargarine - In any animal fat ingredient permitted in oleo-margarine not t
    Bicarbonate of soda - B&N, GRAS/FS - 137.270, Self-rising Cornmeal
    Bifenthrin - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.442
    Bile salts & Ox Bile Extract - SDA, GRAS - 184.4560
    Bioflavonoids, citrus - DS, ILL, Any claim for special dietary use renders the food misbranded (VitaSafe case)
    Biotin - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5159; 182.8159
    1,1-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2,-trichloroethanol - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.163
    Bitter almond - ESO, GRAS, Free of prussic acid - 182.20
    Biuret, feed grade - NUTR, REG, GMP, In feed for rumi­nants except those producing milk for human consumption -573.220
    Blackberry bark extract - FL/ADJ, REG, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Boiler water additives - Ammonium alginate, cobalt sulfate, lignosulfonic acid, monobutyl ether of polyoxyethylene glycol or potassium tripolyphosphate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium glucoheptonate, sodium humate, sodium metasilicate, sodium metabisulfite, po
    Hydrazine - BC, REG, In steam contacting food
    Acrylamide-sodium acrylate resin - BC, REG, 0.05% of acrylamide monomer - In steam contacting food
    Cyclohexylamine or Morpholine - BC, REG, <10 ppm - In steam contacting food except milk and milk products
    Octadecylamine - BC, REG, <3 ppm - In steam con­tacting food except milk and milk products
    Diethylaminoethenol - BC, REG, 15 ppm - In steam contacting food except milk and milk products
    Trisodium nitrilotriacetate - BC, REG, <5 ppm in feed water - In steam contacting food except milk and milk products
    Polymaleic acid and/or its sodium salt - BC, REG, Total < 1 ppm in feed water - In steam contacting food
    Sorbitol anhydride esters (a mixture of sorbitan monostearate, polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono stearate (polysorbate 60) and polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) - BC, REG, Eac
    Bois de rose - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Boldus leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Borax - MISC, ILL, No petition filed, Illegal for use in foods incl. wax ctg for fruits and vegetables. MID permits use in export meats.
    Boron - MISC, REG, <310 ppm - In modified hop extract from sodium borohydride - 172.560
    Boronia flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Bromelin or Bromelain (spelling optional) - MISC, MIA, To soften tissue of meats; ENZ, REG, As an enzyme preparation (optional ingredient) in bakery products - 136
    Bromides, inorganic - FUM, REG, X-ref - Inorganic bromides
    Brominated vegetable oil - STAB, INTERM/REG, <15 ppm - In fruit flavored beverages where not precluded by a standard - 180.30
    Bryonia root - FLA/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Bucha leaves oil - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Buckbeen leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Buquinolate - FEED, REG, 0.4 ppm - In liver, kidney & skin of chickens - 556.90; 0.1 ppm - Residue in muscle of chickens - do; 0.5 ppm - Residues in uncooked yolk of eggs - do;0.2 ppm - Residues in uncooked whole eggs - do; Feed use in chickens, seE558.62, 558.530 & 558.105
    Butadiene styrene rubber - MISC, REG, In chewing gum base - 172.615
    Butane, n-butane, iso-butane - MISC, GRAS - 184.1165
    Butoxy monoether of mixed (ethylene-propylene) polyalkylene glycol - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    n-Butoxypolyoxyethylene polyoxypropylene glycol -AF, REG, GMP, X-ref - Defoaming agent component (used in processing beet sugar) - 173.340
    Butter Starter distillate - FLAV, FL/ADJ, GRAS, GMP -184.1848
    Butyl acetate
    Butyl Alcohol - MISC, REG - 73.1, 172.560 - Modified hop extract
    1,3-Butylene glycol - SOLV, REG, GMP, In nat & syn flavoring substances except where standards preclude use -173.220, 573.225. Used in the manufacture of sausage casings as a formulation aid and processing aid - 172.712.
    Tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) - AOX, REG - 172.185, 0.02% of fat or oil content, incl essential (volatile) oil, of food 2(p-tert-Butylphenoxy) cyclohexyl 2-propynyl sulfite PEST, REG, See Propargite
    Butyl rubber - MISC, REG, Component of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Butyl stearate - AF, REG, X-ref - Defoaming agent component (used in proc. beet sugar & yeast) - 173.340
    Cacao - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cadmium sulfide - COLOR, ILL, Prior sanction for use as colorant in polystyrenes withdrawn - FD 1-8-69
    Caffeine - MISC, GRAS, 0.02% - Cola-type beverages
    Cajeput - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction with flavors
    Calamus, root, oil or extract - FLAV, ILL, Illegal in foods
    Calcium acetate - SEQ, GRAS - 184.1185
    Calcium alginate - STAB, GRAS - 184.1187
    Calcium ascorbate - PRES, GRAS - 182.3189
    Calcium bromate - BL, FS, <0.0075 part for each 100 parts by wt of flour used - Part 136 - Bakery Products
    Calcium bromide - SANI, REG, <200 ppm avail halogen - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Calcium carbonate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 137, admixed w/benzoyl peroxide for bleaching flour; Part 136, Bakery Pdts; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 582, Animal feeds; 184.1191; EMUL, REG, Comb w/any other optional emulsifying ingredients listed in 169.115 including sodium hexametaphosphate; DS/NUTR,
    Calcium caseinate - MISC, FS, Part 135, Frozen Desserts except water ices; Part 133, Creamed Cottage Cheese
    Calcium chloride - MISC, GRAS/FS, 184.1193, Parts 131, 133, 150, 155 & 156 in Evaporated Milk; Cheese & Cheese Products; Part 133; VET, REG, For use in mastitis formulations for treating dairy animals - 526.820
    Calcium citrate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 133, Process Cheese, Cheese Food & Spread, Part 150, Art Sw Fruit Jelly Preserves & Jam, Parts 155 & 156, certain canned vegetables; Part 31; Part 582 - Animal feeds; DS/NUTR, GRAS,GMP - 182.5195, 182.8195
    Calcium cyclamate - NNS, ILL, Removed from GRAS List 10-21-69. Legal only in products complying with drug provisions of the law.
    Calcium diacetate - SEQ, GRAS, See calcium acetate
    Calcium dioxide (Ca peroxide) - MISC, FS, Part 136
    Calcium disodium ethylenediamine-tetraacetate [(calcium ethylenedinitrilo) tetraacetate]; calcium disodium EDTA - AF, REG, 25 ppm - Fermented malt beverages - 172.120; Antigushing agent; MISC, 60 ppm - Spice extractives in soluble carriers; Color & flavor; 100 ppm - 
    Calcium gluconate - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1199; Part 150, Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; Part 582, Animal feeds Calcium glycerophosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP -182.8201, 182.5201
    Calcium hexametaphosphate - SEQ, GRAS status under review
    Calcium hydroxide - MISC/B&N, GRAS/FS, Part 155, Canned Peas; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 582, Animal feeds - 184.1205
    Calcium hypochlorite - SANI, REG, <200 ppm avail Cl - Adequate drainage - 178.1010; MISC, REG, < 0.036% Cl of dry starch - In modifying food starch for use in batter for commercially processed foods - 172.892
    Calcium iodate - MISC, FS, <0.0075 parts for each 100 parts by wt. of flour used - Part 136, Bakery Pdts; NUTR. GRAS - 184.1206
    Calcium iodobehenate - DS, GRAS, Animal Feed - 582.80
    Calcium lactate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Parts 136, Bakery Pdts; Part 150, Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; Part 155, Canned Veg; Part 582, Animal Feeds - 184.1207; MISC, GRAS/FS, < amount which yields 0.051% calcium by wt in finished food - Improve crispness in canned bean sprouts
    Calcium lactobionate - MISC, REG, GMP, Firming agent in dry pudding mixes - 172.720
    Calcium lignin sulfonate (and/or sodium salt) - FEED, REG, <4 % of finished pellets - As sole pelleting aid in animal feeds - 573.600; < 11% - Surfactant in molasses used in feeds as a source of metabolizable energy - 573.600
    Calcium lignosulfonate - SP/ADJ, REG, GMP, Dispersing agent and stabilizer in pesticides for pre- or post-harvest use on bananas - 172.715
    Calcium orthophosphate - B&N, FS, GMP GRAS - See calcium phosphate (tribasic)
    Calcium oxide - MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 135 Frozen Desserts; Part 582, Animal feeds; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP -182.5210, 182.8210, 184.1210
    Calcium pantothenate -NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, 182.5212, 184.1212
    Calcium pantothenate (calcium chloride double salt of) d- or dl-form - DS, REG, GMP, Label of additive container or any intermediate premix prepared there-from shall contain name of the additive and the concentration of additive expressed as pantothenic acid - 172.33
    Calcium periodate - FEED, REG, Nutr source of iodine in salt for livestock - 573.240
    Calcium peroxide (Same as calcium dioxide) - MISC, FS, <0.0075 parts for each 100 parts wt. of flour used -Parts 136, Bakery Pdts
    Calcium phosphate (mono-) - MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 150, Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; Part 155.200, Cnd Potatoes, Cnd Green or Red Sw Peppers, Canned Carrots; Part 155.190(a), Canned Tomatoes; Part 136, Bread; Part 582, Animal feeds
    Calcium phosphate (mono-, di-) -NUTR/MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 137, Cereal Flours and other standardized foods
    Calcium phosphate (mono-, di, or tribasic) - MISC, GRAS/FS, Part 150, Art Sw Jelly and Preserves; Part 136, Bread; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5217, 182.8217
    Calcium propionate - PRES, GRAS/FS, Part 136 Bakery Pdts; Part 133, Cheeses; Part 150, Art Sw Fruit Jelly & Preserves -184.1221, 184.1784
    Calcium pyrophosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP -182.5223, 182.8223
    Calcium saccharin - NNS, INTERIM, See Saccharin
    Calcium salt of partially dimerized rosin - CTG, REG, GMP, X-ref - Coating on fresh citrus fruit - 172.210
    Calcium salts - MISC, FS, 0.026% - Part 155.190(k), Cnd Tomatoes; Part 155.200, Canned Potatoes, Green or Red Sweet Peppers, Lima Beans, Carrots; Part 136, Enriched Bread, Rolls & Buns
    Calcium salts of fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP - Binder, emul, and AC agent - 172.863
    Calcium silicate (including synthetic) - AC, FS, <2% -Part 169.179 Vanilla Powder; AC, REG, GMP, Max 2% in foods except 5% in baking powder - 172.410; <2% - In animal feeds - 573.260
    Calcium sorbate - PRES, GRAS - 182.3225
    Calcium stearate - AC, REG/FS, <2% by wt. - Part 169.179, Vanilla Powder; AF, REG, GMP, In beet sugar and yeast - 173.340; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1229
    Calcium stearate, feed grade - FEED, REG, GMP, As anti-caking agent in feeds - 573.280
    Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate - MISC, REG/FS, <0.5 part/100 parts flour - Part 136, Bakery Pdts - 172.844; MISC, REG, <0.05% - As a whipping agent in liquid & frozen egg whites; MISC, REG, <0.5% - As a whipping agent in dried egg whites; MISC, REG, <0.3% by wt of fin­ished pdt - As whipping agent in 
    Calcium sulfate - MISC, GRAS/FS; Part 133, Cheese and Related Cheese Pdts; Part 137, Cereal Flours; Part 136, Bakery Pdts; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 150, Art Sw. Jelly & Preserves; Part 155, Cnd Vegetables; Part 156, Cnd Tomatoes - 184.1230
    Calendula - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Calumba root - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP - In alcoholic bever­ages only - 172.510
    Camomile, camomile flowers English, Roman, German, Hungarian - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Camphor tree - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Comp of flavors - safrole free - 172.510
    Cananga - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Candida lipolytica - ENZ, REG, Fermentation organism for production of citric acid - 173.165
    Candida guilliermondii - ENZ, REG, Complete absence - Fermentation production of citric acid - 173.160
    Candelilla Wax - CTG, GRAS, GMP - 184.1976
    Canola oil - MISC, GRAS, X-Ref - Rapeseed oil, Raw Erusic Acid
    Capers - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Caproic acid - MISC, REG, <1% aliphatic acids - In peeling soln for fruits & veg - 173.315
    Caprylic acid - PRES, GRAS, In cheese wraps; MISC, REG, <1% aliphatic acids - In peeling soln for fruits & vegs
    Capsicum - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Captan - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR
    Caramel - MISC, GRAS - 182.1235
    Caraway - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Caraway, black (black cumin) - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Carbadox - FEED, REG, ZERO - Residues in uncooked edible tissue of swine using procedures in 556.100; FEED, REG, Feed Use: 558.115
    Carbarsone (not USP) - FEED, REG, 0.025% to 0.0375% in the feed - In feed for turkeys - 558.680, 558.120; FEED, REG, 2 ppm - As residue in edible byproducts of chicken & turkeys - 556.60; 0.5 ppm - As residue in muscle meat of chickens & turkeys & eggs - do
    Carbaryl - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.169
    Carbofuran - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues I40 CFR 180.254
    Carbohydrase enzyme derived from Aspergillus niger - ENZ, REG. GMP, For removal of visceral mass in clam pro­cessing or shell from shrimp - 173.120
    Carbohydrase enzyme derived from Rhizopus Oryzae - ENZ, REG. Used in the production of dextrose - 173.130
    Carbomycin - FEED, REG, ZERO - Residues in edible tissues of chickens - 556.110; Use in comb/w oxytetracycline HCl - 520.1660a (Drinking Water)
    Carbon dioxide - MISC, GRAS - 184.1240
    Carbon monoxide - MISC, REG, 4.5% by volume - In gas combustion product - 173.350
    Carbon disulfide - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.467
    Carboxymethylcellulose - STAB, FS, Part 133, Cheeses; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 169, Dressings for Foods & Flavorings; GRAS
    Cardamom (cardamon) - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Cardamom Oleoresin - ESO, GRAS, 182.20
    Cardamom seed (cardamon) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Carnauba wax - MISC, GRAS - 184.1978
    Carob bean - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Carob bean extract -ESO, GRAS -182.20
    Carob bean gum (locust bean gum) - STAB/EMUL, FA/FS, Part 133, Cheeses; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 169 Dressings for Foods; Part 150, Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; GRAS -184.1343
    Carotene - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, 182.5245 - 182.8245
    Carrageenan and its ammonium, calcium, potassium, or sodium salts - STAB, REG, GMP, In foods, except for those standardized food that do not provide for such use -172.620, 172.626; STAB, REG/FS, <0.8% by wt of finished cheese - Part 133, various sections, Cheese Prdts
    Carrageenan or carrageenan salts with Polysorbate 80 -MISC, REG, 500 ppm polysorbate 80 in final food contain­ing the additives - For producing foods in gel form - 172.623 (SeE172.620, 172.626, & 172.840 for specifications)
    Carrot - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cascara sagrada - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction with flavors - 172.510
    Cascarilla bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cassia, cassia bark (Chinese, Padang or Batavia, Saigon) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Cassie flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Castoreum - MISC, GRAS - 182.50
    Castor Oil - MISC, REG, < 500 ppm in hard candy - A release and anti-sticking agent - 172.876; GMP, Comp. pro­tect ctg vit & min tabs. Meet Specs in USP XIX; FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Catalase, Bacterial (derived from Micrococcus lysodeikticus) - ENZ, REG/FS, < 20 ppm of the wt of the milk treated - To destroy hydrogen peroxide in mfr of cheese - 173.135;133.113;
    Catechu, black - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction with flavors - 172.510
    Cayenne pepper - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Cedar, White (arborvitae) leaves and twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Finished food thujone free, Used in conjunction with flavors - 172.510
    Ceftiofur - VET, REG, 3.0 ppm - Use as sterile powder -522.313; Residue in muscle - 556.113; 9.0 ppm - Residue in kidney - do; 6.0 ppm - Residue in liver - do; 12.0 ppm -Residue in fat - do
    Celery seed - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Cellulase enzyme derived from Aspergillus niger - ENZ, REG, GMP, For removal of visceral mass in clam processing and shell from shrimp - 173.120
    Cellulose gum - STAB, GRAS/FS, X-ref - Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
    Cellulose triacetate - MISC, GMP, Fixing agent for the immobilization of lactase for use in reducing the lactose content of milk - 173.357
    Centaury (centrurium) herb - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Cephapirin, sodium - VET, REG, 0.02 ppm - Residues in milk, 556.115; Use - 529.365; 0.1 ppm - Residues in uncooked edible tissues of cattle - 556.115; Use: Infusion -529.365
    Cephapirin benzathine - VET, REG, 0.02 ppm - As residue in milk - 556.115; Use: Infusion - 526.363
    Cetyl Alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, See Fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Cetylpyridinium chloride - REG, Used as an antimicrobial agent in a fine mist spray to treat the surface of raw poultry carcasses prior to immersion in a chiller at a level not to exceed 0.3 gram cetylpyridinium chloride per pound of raw poultry carcass. The solution shall also contain propylene gly
    Chamomile Flower - SP, REG - 182.10
    Chamomile Flower, English, Oil - ESO, REG - 182.20
    Chemicals for controlling micro-organisms in cane sugar and beet sugar mills-REG 173.320
    Chemicals used in delinting cottonseed - 173.322
    Chemicals used in washing fruits & vegs. or to assist in peeling fruits and vegs. Polyacrylamide, Potassium bromide, Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Sodium hypochlorite, sodium 2-ethyl-l- hexylsulfate, sodium n-alkylbenzene sulfonate, sodium mono- and dimethyl-naphthalene sulfonates- mol wt 245-260,
    Cherry-laurel leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only; <25 ppm prussic acid - 172.510
    Cherry-laurel water - FL/ADJ - 172.510
    Cherry, pits, extract - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only; <25 ppm prussic acid - 172.510
    Cherry, wild, bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Chervil - ESO/SP/FLAV, GRAS - 182.10
    Chervil extract -ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Chestnut leaves/extract - FL/ADJ, REG, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Chewing gum base, MISC, REG, GMP, Chicle, chiquibul, crown gum, gutta hang kang, jelutong, massaranduba balata, massaranduba chocolate, nispero, lechi caspi, pendare, perillo, rosidinha, Venezuelan chicle, Leche de vaca, Niger gutta, tunu, chilte, natural rubber, glycerol ester of tall oil resin, et
    Chicle - MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Chicory - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Chilte - MISC, REG, Chewing gum base - 172.615
    Chilquibul - MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base -172.615
    Chirata (Chiretta, East Indian Bolonong) & herb extract
    - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510 Chives - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Chloramphenicol - VET, REG, ZERO - Drug in any form may not be used in food (meat, milk, and egg) producing animals
    Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride -VET, REG, ZERO Residue in edible tissues of calves - 556.120
    Chlorimuron ethyl - PEST, REG, Tolerance for Residues 40 CFR 180.429
    Chlorine & chlorine dioxide - BL, FS, GMP, Part 137, Cereal Flours
    Chlorine dioxide - MISC, REG, Used as an antimicrobial agent in poultry process water at a concentration not to exceed 3 ppm residual chlorine dioxide. Used as an antimicrobial agent in water used to wash fruits and vegetables that ar
    Chlorine dioxide, stabilized - SANI, REG, For use as rinse for food processing equipment - 178.1010
    Chlorobutanol - VET, REG, ZERO - In milk from dairy animals from use of mastitis formulations - 526.820; As residues - 556.140
    Chlorofluorocarbon-113 - MISC, REG, GMP, To cool or freeze chickens - 173.342
    Chloromethylated aminated styrene di-vinylbenzene resin - MISC, REG, 500 ppm in sugar liquor - To clarify sugar liquor - 173.70
    2-Chloro-4-nitrobenzamide - FEED, REG, See Aklomide
    Chloropentafluoroethane alone or comb/w carbon dioxide nitrous oxide, propane, or octafluorocyclobutane - MISC, REG, Used as a propellant and aerating agent in food except where food standards preclude
    2-(m-Chlorophenoxy) propionic acid - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.325
    Chlorpyrifos-methyl - INSECT, REG, 90 ppm - As residue in/or on barley milling fraction - Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.419
    Clorsulon -VET, REG, Use: As a drench for cattle -520.462; 1.0 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible muscle tissue of cattle - 556.163; 2.0 ppm - As residue in uncooked liver - do; 3.0 ppm - As residue in kidney - do; 4.0 ppm - As residue in uncooked cattle fat - do; As injection for cattle; combinati
    Chlortetracycline - FEED/VET, REG, 4 ppm - Residues in uncooked kidneys of chickens & turkeys; 1 ppm - In uncooked muscle, liver, fat & skin of chickens and turkeys as residue - 556.150; ZERO - Residues in eggs - 556.150; 4 ppm - Residues in uncooked kidney of swine - 556.150; 2 ppm -Residues in unc
    Chlortetracycline - FEED, REG, Sulfa: 0.1 ppm (neg residue) - Residue in uncooked edible tissues of swine, 556.690;
    +Procaine Penicillin - Penicillin: 0 - Residue in uncooked edible tissues of swine, 556.510;
    +Sulfathiazole - Chlortetracycline: 4 ppm - Residue in uncooked edible tissue of swine kidney - 556.150; 2 ppm -Residue in uncooked edible tissue of swine liver - 556.150; 1 ppm - Residue in uncooked edible tissue of swine muscle - do;0.2 ppm - Residue in uncooked edible tissue of swine fat - do; Us
    Chlortetracycline - FEED, REG, Sulfa: 0.1 ppm (neg residue) - Residues in uncooked edible tissues of cattle & swine - 556.670
    +Procaine Penicillin - Penicillin: 0 - Residue in uncooked edible tissues of swine - 556.510 +Sulfamethazine - Chlortetracycline: - 4 ppm - Residue in uncooked kidney of swine, 556.150; 2 ppm - Residue in uncooked liver of swine, 556.150; 1 ppm - Residue in uncooked muscle of swine, 556.150; 0.2 ppm
    Chlorpyrifos - PEST, REG, - Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.342
    Choline bitartrate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5250, 182.8250
    Choline chloride - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5252. 182.8252
    Choline xanthate - FEED, REG, GMP, For poultry, swine & ruminants - 573.300
    Chymosin enzyme preparation derived from E. Coli K­12 - ENZ, GRAS, GMP, As a stabilizer & thickener -184.1685; derived from Aspergillus niger - ditto.
    Cinchona bark, red or yellow - FL/ADJ, REG, < 83 ppm total - Cinchona alkaloids in finished beverage - 172.510
    Cinnamon & bark & leaf, Ceylon, Chinese, and Saigon -O/SP, GRAS, 182.10 and 182.20
    Cinnamyl anthranilate - SYL/FL, BAN, ZERO - 189.113
    Cinnamyl formate
    Cire d'abielle - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, X-ref Beeswax, white -172.510
    Citric acid - SEQ/B&N, GRAS/FS - 182.1033, 182.6033 -GMP, Part 169, Dressings; Part 133, Part 146 Canned Fruit Juices; Cheese; Part 166, Oleomargarine; FEED, GRAS, GMP, Part 582.1033 - Animal feeds; REG - 172.755, 173.165
    Citronella - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Citrus bioflavonoids - DS, ILL, Any claim for special dietary use renders the food misbranded (Vitasafe Case)
    Citrus peels - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Civet (zibeth, zibet, zibetum) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Clary (clary sage) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Clopidol (3,5-Dichloro-2,6-dimethyl-4-pyridinol) - FEED, REG, 0.02 ppm - Residues in milk - 556.160; 0.2 ppm -Residues in cereal grains, vegs, fruits, meat of cattle, sheep and goats, and in edible tissues of swine - 556.160; 1.5 ppm - Residues in liver of cattle, sheep & goats - 556.160; 5 ppm - Re
    Clopyralid - HERB, REG, Tolerances for residues - 40 CFR 180.431
    Cloxacillin -VET, REG, 0.01 ppm - Residues in milk; uncooked edible tissue of cattle - 556.165
    Clove, bud, leaf, and stem - ESO, GRAS - 184.1257
    Clover - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Cloves - SP, GRAS - 184.1257
    Coatings on fresh citrus fruits - CTG, REG, GMP -172.210
    Cobalt (acetate, carbonate, chloride, oxide, sulfate) -NUTR, GRAS, As nutritional dietary supplement in animal feed - 582.80
    Cobaltous salts (acetate) - MISC, ILL, Illegal for use, 172.260 revoked chloride, sulfate) 8/12/66
    Coca (decocainized) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cocoa butter substitute from palm oil - GRAS, GMP - In the following food categories: confections and frostings; coatings of soft candy; sweet sauces and toppings -184.1259
    Cocoa butter substitute from coconut oil, palm kernel oil or both - ESO, REG, Coating material for vitamins, citric acid, succinin acid and spices. In lieu of cocoa butter in sweets - 172.861
    Cocoa with dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate for manufacturing -FLV,REG, 75 ppm of finished beverage -0 172.520
    Coffee - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cognac oil, white and green - MISC, GRAS - 182.50
    Cola nut - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Colloidal Silicon dioxide - AC, REG, X-ref - Silicon dioxide
    Combustion product gas - MISC, REG, GMP, To displace or remove oxygen in processing, stg, or pkging of beverage pdts and other foods, except fresh meats - 173.350
    Condensed animal protein hydrolysate - FEED, REG, < 5% poultry feed - For use - 573.200; < 10% cattle feed
    Copaiba - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Copals, Manila - MISC, REG, 73.1 - Diluents in color additive mixtures
    Copolymer condensates of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide - STAB, REG, GMP, Stabilizing agent in flavor concentrates; processing aid and wetting agent w/DSS for fumaric acid - 172.808; MISC, REG, 0.5% by weight of flour - In yeast leavened bakery products as a dough condition­er, if Standards perm
    Copper - PEST, REG, Tolerances for residues - 40 CFR 180.538; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance-40 CFR 180.1021
    Copper (carbonate, chloride, gluconate, hydroxide, ortho -phosphate, oxide, pyrophosphate, sulfate) - NUTR, GRAS, As nutritional dietary supplement in animal feed; PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.136
    Copper gluconate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, In any food -182.5260, 182.1260
    Copper (cuprous) iodide - NUTR/DS, GRAS, <0.01% - In table salt as a source of dietary iodine - 184.1265
    Copper sulfate - NUTR/SUPPL, GRAS, GMP, Processing aid - 184.1261
    Coriander - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Cork, oak - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Corn dextrin - NUTRS, GRAS, GMP - 184.1277
    Corn gluten - GRAS, GMP - 184.1321
    Corn silk - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Corn sugar - NUTRS, GRAS, GMP - 184.1857
    Corn syrup - NUTRS, GRAS, GMP - 184.1865
    Corn Syrup, High Fructose - NUTRS, GRAS, GMP -182.1866
    Costmary - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Costus root - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Cottonseed & soybean fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP ­In foods as a lubricant, binder, defoaming agent & compo­nent in manufacture of other food grade additives - 172.860
    Cottonseed flour (cooked and partially defatted) -MISC, REG, SeE172.894 for specifications
    Cottonseed Products (modified) - MISC, REG, 60 ppm N-hexane < 1% fat by wt of finished product - Decorticated ground cottonseed kernels - 172.894
    Coumaphos(0,0-Diethylo-3-chloro-4-methyl-2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-7-yl phosphorothioate) Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.189; Uses in cattle & chicken feeds -558.185
    Coumarin - SY/FS, BAN, Any food containing coumarin added as such or as a constituent of tonka beans or tonka extract is adulterated.
    Coumarone-idene resin - CTG, REG, < 200 ppm fresh wt basis on fruit - As protective coating for fruit - 172.215
    Crambe meal, heat toasted - 573.310
    Cryolite (Sodium aluminum fluoride) - fluorine com­pounds - Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.145
    Cubeb - FL/ADJ, REG, MP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Cumin (cummin) - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10 and 182.20
    Cumin, black (black caraway) - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Cuprous iodide - NUTR/DS, GRAS, 0.01% - In table salt as a source of dietary iodine -184.1265
    Curacao orange peel (orange, bitter, peel) - ESO, GRAS -182.20
    Curdlan - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG/FS, GMP - 172.809
    Currant black, buds & leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Cusparia bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Cyano(3-phenoxy phenyl)-methyl-4-chloro-alpha-(1-methylethyl) benzeneacetate - PEST, REG, 20 ppm - As residue in apple pomace to be used in animal feeds -561.97; PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.379
    Cyclamates - NNS, ILL, NOT LEGAL IN FOOD
    Cyclohexane - MISC, REG, 73.1 - Diluents in color additive mixtures
    Cyclohexylamine - BC, REG, 10 ppm in steam - Except in steam in contact with milk and milk products - 173.310
    Cyfluthrin - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues 180.436
    Cyhexatin - INSECT, REG, Use: In animal feed -Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.144
    Cyromazine - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.414
    Cysteine (l-form) - MISC, FS, 0.009 parts per 100 parts flour by wt. - Part 136 - Bakery Products; 184.1271; 184.1272; NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Cysteine (l-form) monohydrochloride - MISC, GRAS -184.1272 - Used to supply up to 0.009 part of total L-cys-teine per 100 parts of flour in dough as a dough strength­ener
    Cystine (l form) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Damar Gum (Shorea dipterocarpaceae) - Diluents in color additives - 73.1
    2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) - PEST, REG, 2 ppm - Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.142
    Damiana leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Dandelion, dandelion root - ESO, GRAS,
    Dandelion, fluid extract (Taraxacum spp.) - GRAS -182.20
    DDVP - FEED, REG, See Dichlorvos
    Decalactone alone or comb/w dodecalactone - FLAV, REG, <10 ppm alone or <20 ppm comb - As artificial fla­voring in oleomargarine. Part 166 - 172.515
    Decanoic Acid - SANI, REG, 109 - 218 ppm total fatty acids - Component of sanitizing solution - 178.1010, Coating for fruits and vegetables - 172.210, Fatty acids -172.860, Defoaming agents - 173.340
    1-Decanol - SYN fatty alcohol - 172.864
    Decoquinate - FEED, REG, 2 ppm - In uncooked edible tissue, other than skeletal muscle, of chicken and goats as a residue - 556.170; 1 ppm - In skeletal muscle of chickens as a residue - 556.170; Use: In dry and liquid medicated feed - 558.195
    Decyl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, See Fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Defoaming agents and components Dimethylpolysiloxane, polyoxyethylene 40 monostearate, Polysorbate 60, Polysorbate 65, propylene glycol alginate, silicon dioxide, sorbitan monostearate, aluminum stear
    Defoaming agents, butter, oleomargarine, lard, corn oil, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, mono- and diglycerides of fat-forming fatty acids - AF, REG/FS, GMP, In fruit butters, jellies, preserves and related products - Part 150
    Dehydroacetic acid or its Na salt - PRES, REG, 65 ppm as the acid - In cut or peeled squash - 172.130
    Demeton, alone or comb/w 0,0 diethyl S-2-(ethylthio) ethyl phosphorodithioate - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.183
    Dextrans (avg mol wt <100,000) - MISC, GRAS
    Diacetyl - SY/FL, GRAS, GMP - 184.1278
    Dextrin - GRAS - 184.1277
    Dexztrose - GRAS -84.1857
    Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids ­EMUL, GRAS/FS, Part 136, Bakery Products - 184.1101
    2,4-Diamino-5(6-methylveratryl)pyrimidine -FEED, REG, See Ormetoprim
    Di-N-alkyl(C8-C18-from coconut oil) dimethyl ammoniumchloride - PEST, REG, 5% by weight - 172.710
    Dialkanolamide (1 mole of methyl laurate w/ 1.05 mole of diethanolamine) - MISC, REG, < 2 ppm in flume - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    Diammonium phosphate - FEED, REG, < 2.0% of crude protein in total daily ration - Source of non-protein nitrogen & phos in ruminant feeds. SeE573.320
    Diatomaceous earth - FEED, REG, 2% - As an inert carri­er or anti-caking agent in animal feed - 573.340
    2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide - PRES, REG, 2.0 -10.0 ppm in raw cane or beets - Used alone for control of microorganisms in cane and beet sugar mills, byproducts not for use in animal feeds - 173.320
    Dicalcium phosphate - NUTR/FS, GRAS/FS, Part 137; XREF calcium phosphate
    Dicamba - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.227
    Dichlorodifluoromethane - MISC, REG, GMP, Direct con­tact freezing agent for foods - 173.355; With ethylene oxide as fumigant for ground spices
    3,5-Dichloro-2,6-dimethyl-4-pyridinol - See Clopidol
    Dichloroisocyanuric acid - SANI, REG, <100 ppm avail halogen - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - PEST, REG, See 2,4-D
    Dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate or DDVP) - FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm - In edible tissues of swine -556.180; Use & other information - 558.205: 520.600; PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.235
    Diethanolamide condensate from soybean oil fatty acids (C16-C18) - Adjuvants for pesticide use dilution -172.710
    Diethanolamine condensate from stripped coconut oil fatty acids (C10-C18) - Adjuvants for pesticide use dilution -172.710
    Diethylaminoethanol - BC, REG, 15 ppm - X-ref; Boiler water additives - 173.310
    Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Diethylenetriamine - Ion-exchange membranes - 173.20
    Diethylenetriamine crosslinked with epichlorohydrin -Ion-exchange resins - 173.25
    Diazinon (O,O-Diethyl O-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-prim-idinyl) phosphorothioate - FEED, REG, GMP, In feed handling establishments for crack/crevice and spot treatment -PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.153
    Diethylamino-cellulose - MISC, GMP, Fixing agent for the immobilization of glucose isomerase for use in the manufacture of high fructose corn syrup, in accordance with Sec. 184.1372 - 173.357
    Diethylstilbestrol (DES) - FEED, BAN, Not legal for animal use (drug or feed)
    Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) - INH, ILL, Not legal in food
    Diethyl tartrate
    Difenzoquat - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.369
    Dihydrosafrole - SY/FL, PD/ILL, Not legal in food
    3,5-Diiodosalycylic acid - DS, GRAS, Animal feed
    Dilauryl thiodipropionate - AOX, GRAS, 0.02% of fat or oil incl essential oil content of food - 182.3280
    Dill - SP/ESO, GRAS - 184.1282
    Dill, Indian - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Dimethipin - GROWTH REG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.406
    Dimethoate including its oxygen analog - PEST, REG, Residues for Tolerances - 40 CFR 180.204
    Dimethylamine-Epichlorhydrin Copolymer - REG, 150 ppm - Decolorizing agent in clarification of sugar liquors and juices - 173.60
    Dimethylamine-epichlorohydrin resin - MISC, GMP, Fixing agent for the immobilization of glucose isomerase for use in manufacturing high fructose corn syrup - 173.357
    2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-ol methylcarbamate -PEST, REG, GMP, Treating crack /crevices or spot treatment in feed manufacturing or other related facilities; Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.530
    Dimethyl dialkyl (C14-C18) ammonium chloride - MISC, REG, <700 ppm by wt of sugar solids - Decoloring agent in the manufacture of sugar, alkyl groups (C14-C18) derived from tallow - 173.400
    Dimethyl dicarbonate - MISC, REG, Microbial control agent in the following beverages under normal circumstances of bottling, canning, or other forms of final packaging, where the viable microbial load has been reduced to 500 microorganisms per milliliter or less by current good manufacturing practic
    Dimethylethanolamine - Component of Ion-exchange membranes - 173.20
    0,0,-Dimethyl S[4-oxo-1,2,3-benzo-triazin-3(4H)-yl)methyl] phosphorodithioate (Guthion) - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.154
    Dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-cis-cro-tonamide - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.299
    Dimethylpolysiloxane - AF, REG, ZERO - In milk -173.340; 110 ppm - In dry gelatin dessert mixes; 250 ppm ­In salt for cooking purposes; 10 ppm - In other food in its ready-for-consumption state, 145.180(a), Cnd Pineapple; 146.185(a), Cnd Pineapple Juice
    Di-N-alkyl(C8 - C10)dimethyl-ammonium chloride -SANI, REG, 150 ppm - Of active quaternary compound in the sanitizing solution - 178.1010
    Di-n-alkyl(C8 - C10)dimethyl-ammonium chloride, n-alkyl(C12 - C18) benzyldimethyl-ammonium chloride, ethyl alcohol and alpha-(p-nonyl-phenyl) -omegahydroxypoly (oxyethylene) - SANI, REG, 150 - 400 ppm -For use as components of sanitizing solution to be used on food contact surfaces - 178.1010
    3,5-Dinitrobenzamide - FEED, REG, ZERO - In edible tissues and by-products of chickens; As residuE556.220; Feed use - 558.376
    2,4-Dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonate+2,6-dinitro-4- octylphenyl crotonate - FUNG/PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.342
    Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate - SDA, REG/FS, <0.5% of wt of gums or hydrophilic colloids - As solubilizing agent for gums & hydrophilic colloids used in food as stabilizing or thickening agents - 172.810; <0.4% by wt - In cocoa for manufacturing - 163.117, 172.810; 75 ppm - In finished beverage made
    Dipotassium phosphate - SEQ, GRAS/FS, Part 133.169, Past Process Cheese - 182.6285
    Diquat - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.226
    Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbonate - MISC, REG, 2.5 ppm in raw cane - For control of micro-organisms in cane sugar mills - 173.320; <2.9 ppm in raw cane or sugar beets with potassium N-methyldithiocarbamate for control of microorganisms in cane sugar and beet sugar mills - 173.320
    Disodium EDTA (Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate) - MISC, REG/FS, 100 ppm - Promote color retention in frozen white potatoes, incl cut potatoes - 172.135; 110 ppm - Canned potatoes 155.200; 165 ppm - For color retention in cnd cooked legumes (all cooked, canned other than black-eyed peas) or kidn
    Disodium cyanodithioimidocarbonate - For control of micro-organisms in cane sugar and beet sugar mills -173.320
    Disodium ethylenebisdithiocarbamate - PRES, REG, 3.0 ppm in raw cane - w/Na dimethyldithiocarbamate for control of microorganisms in mills - 173.320; 3.0 ppm in raw cane or sugar beets - w/ethylenediamine and Na dimethyldithiocarbamate for control of micro-org. in cane sugar and beet sugar mills - i
    Disodium guanylate - MISC, REG/FS, GMP, Part 155, Cnd Vegs - 172.530
    Disodium inosinate - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Part 155, Cnd Vegs - 172.535
    Disodium phosphate (X-ref - Sodium phosphate, mono-, di-, & tri-) - SEQ, GRAS/FS, Part 137.305, Enriched Farina; 136.3, Bakery Pdts; EMUL, GRAS/FS, 139, Alimentary Pastes; 131.130 NFDM; 133, Cheeses, Various; 135.30, Ice Cream; 150, Art Sw Jelly
    Diuron (3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) -PEST, REG, 4 ppm - In dried citrus pulp for livestock feed applic of the pesticide to growing citrus fruits - 561.220
    Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid - SANI, REG, <400 ppm in soln - Adequate drainage; May be used on glass containers for holding milk - 178.1010
    a-(p-Dodecylphenyl)-omega-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) - PEST, REG, GMP, Adj for pesticide use - 172.710
    Dog grass (quackgrass, triticum) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Dulcin - NNS, ILL - Not legal in food
    Dulse - NAT, GRAS
    EDTA - See Calcium disodium EDTA and Disodium EDTA
    EDTA, Tetrasodium - Components of boiler water additives - 173.310 - washes for peeling fruits and vegetables, 173.315
    Efrotomycin -VET, FEED, - Swine to improve feed effi­ciency - 558.235
    Elder Flowers - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.20, 182.10
    Enanthic acid - MISC, REG, <1% aliphatic acids - In peeling soln for fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Endosulfan - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.182
    Enzyme-modified soy protein - MISC, FD, GMP, Foaming agent in soda water
    Enzymes, carbohydrase & cellulase, from Aspergillus niger - ENZ, REG, GMP, For removal of visceral mass in clam processing - 173.120
    Enzymes from Aspergillus oryzae - ENZ, FS, Part 136, Bakery Pdts
    Enzymes from plant and animal sources - ENZ, GRAS, GMP - GRAS affirmation of the following: bromolein -184.1024, catalase - 184.1034, ficin - 184.1316, animal lipase - 184.1415, malt - 184.1443a, pancreatin 184.1583, pepsin - 184.1595, trypsin - 184.1914
    Enzymes (for milk clotting) from Endothis parasitica, Bacillus cereus, Mucor pusillus , Mucor miehei Cooney et Emerson, or Aspergillus oryzae modified by recombinant aspartic proteinase enzyme from Rhizomucor miehei - ENZ, REG, GMP, For use in preparation of standardized cheese or cheese products, e
    Enzyme-Modified Fats - FLAV/ADJ, GRAS, GMP -184.1287
    Epichlorohydrin - MISC, REG, < 0.1% with propylene <10% added in combination or in any sequence - Residual propylene chlorohydrin < 5 ppm in food starch modified -172.892; < 0.1% followed by propylene oxide < 25% -172.892
    Epoxidized soybean oil - STAB, REG, Not to exceed 1 percent - Use as a halogen stabilizer in brominated soybean oil - 172.723
    Erythorbic acid - PRES, GRAS/FS, X-ref - Isoascorbic acid
    Erythromycin, Erythromycin thiocyanate or phosphate - FEED, REG, ZERO - In uncooked edible tissues of chick­ens, turkeys - 556.230; 0.125 ppm - In uncooked edible tissue of beef cattle, and in milk - 556.230; Use: In drinking water as phosphate - 522.842; 0.1 ppm (neg res) - In uncooked edible tissu
    Esterase-lipase from Mucor miehei - ENZ, REG, GMP, Flavor enhancer in cheese, fat, oils, milk products - 173.140
    Estradiol - VET, REG, Use: Implant in cattle (steers/heifers) - 522.840
    Estradiol benzoate - VET, REG, ZERO*** - In uncooked edible tissues and by-products of heifers, lambs & steers as residue - 556.240; Use as implants - 522.842; In combination w/testosterone propionate - 522.842; In combination w/progesterone - 522.19406; ***Tolerances in the Part Per Trillion (ppt) 
    Estradiol valerate - VET, REG, ZERO - Use: As implant in combination with progesterone - 522.1940; NOT TO BE USED WITH VEAL CALVES
    Estragole (or esdragol, estragon, esdragon, tarragon) -SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Ethalfluralin - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues -40 CFR 180.416
    Ethephon - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.300
    Ethion (0,0,0',0-tetraethyl S,S' methylene bisphosphorodithionate) - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.173
    Ethopabate - FEED, REG, 1.5 ppm - In uncooked liver & kidneys of chickens as residue - 556.260; 0.5 ppm - In uncooked muscle of chickens as residue - 556.260; Feed uses - 558.55, 558.58, 558.62, 558.76, 558.78, 558.248, 558.460, 558.530
    Ethoxylated mono- and di- glycerides - MISC, REG, Total not to exceed 0.5% of flour used - In yeast leavened bakery products as a dough conditioner and as an emulsifier in pan-release agents for yeast-leavened bakery products -172.834; EMUL, REG, Not to exceed 0.45% by wt. of finished topping - In w
    Ethoxyquin - FEED/AOX, REG, 5 ppm from use in forage crops - In uncooked fat of meat from animals except poultry - 172.140l; 3.0 ppm (0.0003%) - In or on uncooked liver & fat of poultry; 0.5 ppm (0.00005%) - In or on uncooked muscle meat of animals; 0.5 ppm (0.00005%) - In poultry eggs; Zero - In mi
    Ethyl acetate - SY/FS, MISC, REG, GMP, GRAS - 182.60, In decaffeination of coffee & tea - 173.228
    Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) - INH, GRAS - 184.1293, 2.0% by wt - On pizza crusts prior to baking - 170.3; SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Ethyl cellulose - MISC, REG, GMP, As binder or filler in dry vitamin prepns or component of protective ctg for vit & min tabs, or as fixative in flavor compounds - 172.868; 573.420; In anima diamine dihydroiodide - DS, GRAS, Animal feed
    Ethylene dibromide - FUM, REG, < 50 ppm inorganic bromide - X-ref fumigant for grain-mill machinery
    Ethylene dichloride - SOLV, REG, 30 ppm - In pdtn of spice oleoresins - 173.230; MISC, REG, < 0.2 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315; FUM, REG, X-ref fumigant for grain-mill machinery; SOLV, REG, 300 ppm in extracted by-products - In
    Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage - 178.1010; MISC, REG, < 1 ppm in flumewater - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    Ethylene oxide - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.151
    Ethylene oxide copolymer condensates - REG, 172.808; STAB, REG- 300 ppm by wt - Foam stabilize in fermented malt beverages - 172.770
    Ethylene oxide polymer, alkyl adduct - MISC, REG, NTE
    0.2 percent in lye-peeling solution to assist in the lye peel­ing of fruits and vegetables - 173.315
    Ethylene oxide polymer, alkyl adduct, phosphate ester -MISC, REG, NTE 0.2 percent in lye-peeling solution to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables - 173.315 Ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymer REG, SDA - See specs section 172.808; MISC, Defoaming agent - 173.340 for use as prescrib
    Ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymer, alkyl adduct - MISC, REG, NTE 0.2 percent in lye-peeling solu­tion to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables -173.315
    Ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymer, alkyl adduct, phosphate ester - MISC, REG, NTE 0.2 percent in lye-peeling solution to assist in the lye peeling of fruits and vegetables - 173.315
    Ethyl 4,4'-dichlorobenzilate - INSECT, REG, 5.0 ppm - As residue in/on citrus fruits - 180.109; 0.5 ppm - As residue in fat, meat, meat by-products of sheep & cattle - do
    Ethyl ester of fatty acids - MISC, REG, Comp of coatings for raisins - 172.225
    Ethyl formate - SY/FL, GRAS, GMP, (See specs 184.1295); FL/ADJ
    Ethyl methylphenylglycidate - GRAS, SY/FL, GMP -
    Ethyl-4-hydroxy-6,7-diisobutoxy-3-quinoline carboxyl ate - FEED, REG, X-ref - Buquinolate
    S-{2-(Ethylsulfinyl)ethyl}O-O-dimethyl phosphorothioate - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.330
    Ethyl vanillin - SY/FL, GRAS/FS, Part 163, Chocolate and Cacao Pdts; Part 169, Vanilla Extract and Related Pdts -182.60, 182.90
    Eucalyptus globulus leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In con­junction w/flavors - 172.510
    Eucheuma cottonii extract - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG, GMP, FS, See carrageenan - 172.620
    Eucheuma spinosum extract - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG, GMP, FS - 172-620
    Eugenol - SY/FL, GRAS - 184.1257
    Exfoliated hydrobiotite (Verxite) - FEED, REG, <5% wt. finished feed - In poultry, swine or ruminant feed as anti-caking, blending agent, pelleting aid or nonnutritive carrier for incorporation of nutrients - 573.1000; <1.5% -Anticaking, blending agent, etc. in dog feed - 573.1000
    Famphur (0,0-dimethyl 0-p(dimethyl-sulfamoyl) phenyl phos phorothioate) - PEST/VET, REG, Use: In animal feed - 558.254; As pour on liquid - 524.900; As paste in combination with Levamisole - 520.1242g
    Fatty acids - one or any mixture of straight chain monobasic carboxylic acids & assoc. fatty acids from edible fats and oils (capric, caprylic, lauric, myristic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids) - MISC, REG, GMP, In foods as a lubr
    Fatty acids, salts of (aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) - MISC, REG, In foods as binder, emulsifier, and anticaking agent - 172.863; FEED, REG, GMP, 573.640; CTG, REG, X-ref - coatings on fresh citrus fruit - 172.210
    Fatty alcohols, synthetic hexyl, octyl, decyl, lauryl, myistyl, cetyl, and stearyl alcohols - MISC, REG, As substitutes for the corresponding naturally derived fatty alco­hols permitted in foods by existing regulations - 172.864
    Fenarimol - FUNG, REG, 2 ppm - As residue in/on wet or dry apple pomace - Tolerance for Residues 40 CFR 180.421
    Fenbendazole - VET, REG, 0.8 ppm - Residues in Cattle liver - 556.275; Use: Cattle (Suspension) - 520.905a; (Powder) - 520.905d; (Block) - 520.905e; (Feed) - 558.258
    Fendrazen - potassium salt; Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.423
    Fennel, common - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Fennel, sweet (Finochio, Florence) - SP/ESO, GRAS -182.10, 182.20
    Fenoxaprop-ethyl - PEST,HERB, REG, Tolerances for residues- 40 CFR 180.430
    Fenprostalene -VET, REG, 10 ppb - Residues in uncooked edible muscle - 556.277; 20 ppb - Residues in uncooked edible liver - do; 30 ppb - Residues in uncooked edible kidney - do; 40 ppb - Residues in uncooked edible fat - do;100 ppb - Residues at the injection site - do; Use as injection: Induce abo
    Fenridazon -PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 FR 180.423
    Fenthion - PEST/VET, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.214; As pour on liquid-524.920
    Fenugreek - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Fermentation derived milk-clotting enzyme - ENZ, REG, In production of cheese for which permitted by standards of identity - Part 133; Limited to certain organisms, (See specs in 173.150)
    Fermented ammoniated condensed whey - See Whey, fermented ammoniated condensed
    Ferric ammonium chloride - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1296
    Ferric chloride - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1297
    Ferric citrate - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1298
    Ferric phosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5301,184.1301
    Ferric pyrophosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5304, 184.1304
    Ferric sodium pyrophosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5306
    Ferric sulfate - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1307
    Ferrous ascorbate - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1307a
    Ferrous carbonate - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1307b
    Ferrous citrate - NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 184.1307c
    Ferrous fumarate - DS, REG, Consistent w/good nutrition practices - Used as source of dietary iron in special dietary foods - See section 172.350
    Ferrous gluconate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5308, 184.1308
    Ferrous lactate - NUTR/Color fixative for ripe olives, GRAS, GMP -184.1311, DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5311
    Ferrous sulfate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5315, 184.1315
    Fir ("pine" & "balsam") needles and twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Fish protein concentrate, whole - DS, REG, (See specs in 172.385)
    Fish protein isolate - DS, REG, (See specs in 172.340)
    Flavoring substances, natural - FLAV, REG, GMP -172.510
    Fluazifop-butyl - PEST, REG,- Tolerances for Residues -40 CFR 180.411
    Fluometuron - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.229
    Fluorine - containing compounds (Sodium, potassium, or calcium fluoride) - MISC, PD, ILL - Petition for exten­sion in dietary supplements terminated in of 7-1-73. Addition of fluorine compounds to foods limited to that from fluoridation of public water supplies and to that resulting from the fluorid
    Fluoridone - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.420
    Folic acid (folacin) - NUTR, REG, May be added to foods subject to a standard of identity when standard of identity provides for addition of folic acid. May be added 400 µg per serving to breakfast cereals, to infant formula 4 µg per 100 kcal of infant formula, 1 mg/1 lb. of corn grits, to foods rep
    Food additives for use in milk producing animals for treatment of bovine mastitis - VET, REG, 528.820 - See BHA & BHT
    Food starch, modified - MISC, REG, GMP, SeE172.892. Add "amylolytic enzymes" to various chemicals permitted in modifying food starch that are listed in the regulation.
    Food starch esterified with n-octenyl succinic anhydride treated with beta -amylase; For use as a stabilizer or emulsifier in non-alcoholic beverages and beverage bases
    Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) - PRES, REG, Comp of defoaming agent - 173.340; MISC, REG, GMP, In animal feeds composed of oilseed meals and animal fat - 573.460; See also formalin
    Formalin - FUNG, REG, Use: In water of salmon, trout, largemouth bass, catfish and bluegills - 529.1030; See also formaldehyde
    Formesafen Sodium - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.433
    Formetanate hydrochloride - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.276
    Formic acid (x-ref - Ethyl formate) - PEST, REG, 2.25% of Silage on a dry basis -or- 0.45% when direct cut, 573.480; Preservative for silage. Silage not to be fed to live stock within 4 weeks of treatment. GRAS, GMP - 186.1316
    Fumaric acid and its calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium salts - MISC, REG/FS, GMP, (See specs in 172.350); Part 150.140, Fruit jellies; Part 150.160, Fruit preserves
    Fumaric acid-Ferrous salt - DS, REG, Consistent w/good nutrition practices - X-ref Ferrous fumarate
    Fumigants (Carbon tetrachloride with either carbon disulfide or ethylene chloride, with or without pentane; or methyl bromide) - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues (bromide) - 40 CFR 180.123 and 40 CFR 180.123a
    Fumigants for Grain Mill Machinery, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.519;
    Fumigants for Processed Grains used in production of fermented malt beverages, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.522
    Furcelleran - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG/FS, GMP, 133.128; 172.655 Part 135.30, Ice Cream
    Furcelleran, salts of ammonium, calcium, potassium, or sodium - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG/FS, GMP - 172.660 Part 135.30, Ice Cream
    alpha-Galactosidase from morteirella vinaceae raffinoseutilizer ENZ, REG, For use in the production of sucrose from sugar beets - 173.145
    Galanga (galangal root) - SP/ESO, GMP, GRAS - 182.10,
    Galanga, greater - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Galbanum - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Gambir (catechu, pale) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Garlic - SP/ESO, GRAS, GMP, 182.10, 182.20, 182.1317
    Gas, combustion product - MISC, REG, X-ref Combustion product gas - 173.350
    Gellan Gum - MISC, REG, As a stabilizer & thickener; (See specs in 172.665)
    Genet Flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Gentian rhizome & roots - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Gentian, stemless - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic bev­erages only - 172.510
    Gentamicin Sulfate -VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - Residues in uncooked edible tissue of turkey - 556.300; Residues in swine muscle - do; 0.3 ppm - Residues in swine liver - do; 0.4 ppm - Residues in swine fat & kidney - do; Use: Oral Solution, 520.1044a, 520.1044b; Soluble Powder 520.1044c; Injection, 524.104
    Geraniol (3,7-dimethyl-2,6 and 3,6-octadien-1-ol) -SY/FL, GRAS - 182.60
    Geranium - SP/FLAV/ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Geranium, East Indian or rose - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Geranyl acetate (geraniol acetate) - SY/FL, GRAS - 182.60
    Geranyl isobutyrate
    Germander, chamaedrys or golden - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Ghatti gum - EMUL, GRAS, Limited to 0.2 percent of foods defined in § 170.3(n)(3) and 0.1 percent in all other foods; (See specs in 184.1333)
    Gibberellic acid and its potassium salt - MISC, REG, <2 ppm - In malt; <0.5 ppm - In finished malt beverage; ZERO - In distilled spirits - 172.725
    Gigartina extracts - MISC, EMUL, STAB, REG, FS, See Carrageenan - 172.620
    Ginger - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Gluconate salts of Ca and Na - MISC, FS, See limitations on use levels for Ca salt in 184.1199; GMP, Na salt 182.6757
    Glucono delta-lactone - MISC, GRAS, GMP, FS, As cur­ing or pickling agent, leavening agent, sequestrant, or pH control agent (See specs in 184.1318)
    Glutamic acid (or hydrochloride) - NUTR/DS, REG, (See specs in 172.320); GRAS as a salt substitute in 182.1045 and 182.1047
    Glutamic acid, condensed extracted fermentation product - FEED, REG, <5% of total ration - Protein supplement in poultry feed - 573.500; <10% of feed - Protein supple­ment in cattle feed
    Glutamine - NUTR, REG, (See specs in 172.320)
    Glutaraldehyde - MISC, GMP, Fixing agent for the immobi­lization of gloucose isomerase for use in the manufacture of high fructose corn syrup, in accordance with Sec. 184.1372 - 173.357
    Glycerides and polyglycides of hydrogenated vegetable oils - MISC, Used as an excipient in dietary supplement tablets, capsules, and liquid formulations - SeE172.736 for specifications and limitations.
    Glycerin - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP, Part 169, Food Flavorings, 182.1320; Part 582 - Animal feeds
    Glycerin, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, In food. (SeE172.866 for specs)
    Glycerol - See glycerin
    Glycerol ester of gum rosin - MISC, REG, <100 ppm in beverages - 172.735; GMP, Softener for chewing gum base (See specs in 172.615)
    Glycerol ester of partially dimerized rosin - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base (See specs in 172.615)
    Glycerol ester of partially hydrogenated gum or wood rosin - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base (See specs in 172.615)
    Glycerol ester of polymerized rosin - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum base (See specs in 172.615)
    Glycerol ester of tall oil rosin - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum base (See specs in 172.615)
    Glycerol ester of wood rosin - MISC, REG, =100ppm in beverages-172.735; GMP, Softener for chewing gum base-172.615
    Glycerol (glyceryl) tributyrate (tributyrin, butyrin) -SY/FL, GRAS, GMP - as flavoring agent and adjuvant -184.1903
    Glyceryl behenate - MISC, GRAS, GMP, As formulation aid in tablets - 184.1328
    Glyceryl-lacto esters of fatty acids - EMUL, MISC, REG, GMP - 172.852
    Glyceryl monooleate - MISC, GRAS, SY/FL, GMP, As flavoring agent and adjuvant - 184.1323
    Glyceryl (glycerol) monostearate (monostearin) - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP, 184.1324; <2% of product - Macaroni products - 139.110; <3% of product - Noodle products -139.150
    Glyceryl palmitostearate - GRAS, GMP, Use as a formulation aid in excipients for tabs - 184.1329
    Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) - MISC, SY/FL, GRAS, GMP. As flavoging agent and adjuvant - 184.1901
    Glyceryl tristearate - MISC, REG, See Reg - 172.811
    Glycine - MISC, REG, 0.2% of fin bev or bev base Masking agent for saccharin in beverages & bases -172.812; STAB, 0.02% - In mono- and diglycerides -172.812; NUTR - 172.320
    Glycoryrrhiza - SP/ESO, GRAS, See Reg - 184.1408
    Glycyrrhizin, ammoniated - ESO, GRAS/FS, See Reg -184.1408
    Gonadorelin - VET, REG, Use: As injection for cattle - 522.1077
    Gonadotropin (Serum) and Gonadotropin (Chorionic) -VET, REG, Use: As injection for cattle - 522.1079
    Grains of paradise - SP, GRAS, GMP - 182.10
    Grapefruit - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Ground Limestone - GRAS, GMP - 184.1409
    Guaiac - FLAV, REG, GMP, In alcoholic bevs only - 172.510
    Guarana - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Guar gum - STAB, GRAS/FS, See Reg - 184.1339; Parts 133, Cheese (to include cold pack cheese food); Part 135, Ice Cream; Part 169, Dressing for Foods; Part 150, Art Sw Jelly & Preserves
    Guava - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Gum arabic (Acacia) - STAB, GRAS/FS, GMP, See Reg -184.1330; Part 169, Dressings for Foods; Part 135, Ice Cream; Part 169, Vanilla Powder
    Gum ghatti - STAB, GRAS/FS, < 0.2% As emulsifier in non-alcoholic bevs - 184.1333; < 0.1% in all other foods -184.1333
    Gum gluten - STAB, FS, GMP, Part 139, Macaroni Products
    Gum karaya - STAB, GRAS/FS, See Reg - 184.1349; Part 133, Cheese; Part 169, Dressings for Foods; Part 135, Ice Cream; Part 150, Art Sw Fruit Jelly & Jam
    Gum tragacanth - STAB, GRAS/FS, See Reg - 184.1351; Part 133, Cheese; Part 135, Ice Cream; Part 169, Dressings for Foods; Part 150, Art Sw Fruit Jelly & Jam
    Gums (natural) of vegetable origin - MISC, REG, GMP, Chewing gum base - 172.615
    Guta Hang Kang - MISC, REG, GMP, Chewing gum base - 172.615
    Guthion - PEST, REG, See (O,O.-dimethyl-S[4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazin-3-(4H)-yi methyl]phosphorodithioate)
    Halofuginone hydrobromide - FEED, REG, Use: In broiler chicken feed - 558.625; 0.1 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible tissues of chickens - 556.308; 0.3 ppm -As residue in uncooked liver of chicken - do; 0.2 ppm - As residue in uncooked skin (w/fat) of chicken - do
    Haloxon - VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - Residues in edible tissues of cattle, sheep, & goats: 556.310; Use - 520.1120
    Haw, black bark - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Helium - MISC, GRAS - 184.1355
    Hemicellulose extract - FEED, REG, GMP, As a source of metabolizable energy in animal feed - 573.520
    Hemlock needles & twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In con­junction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Heptylparaben (n-heptyl p-hydroxybenzoate) - INH, REG, 12 ppm - In -fermented malt beverages to inhibit microbiological spoilage, 172.145; 20 ppm - In non-carbonated soft drinks and fruit based beverages when allowed by established standards of identity - 172.145; PR
    Hexachlorophene - VET, REG, Permission in animal products restricted - 500.46
    Hexane - SOLV, REG, 25 ppm as residue - In spice oleoresins (173.270); 2.2% by weight - As residue in hops extract, extract added before or during cooking of beer -173.270; MISC, REG, 25 ppm - In modified hop extract for beer - 172.560; MISC, REG, 5 ppm as residue in fish protein isolate - 172.340
    Hexakis (2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl) distannoxane -PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 362
    Hexitol oleate - EMUL,ILL - No petition filed. Was used as an ice cream emulsifier.
    Hexyl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, See Fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Hexythiazox - ACRACIDE, REG, Tolerances for Residues -40 CFR 180.448
    Hickory bark - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Histidine (l form only) - NUTR/DS, REG, Food Additive Reg - 172.320
    Hop extract, modified - FLAV, REG, GMP, In beer - 172.560
    Hops - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Horehound (hoarhound) - SP/ESO, GRAS, GMP -182.10, 182.20
    Horsemint - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Horseradish - SP, GRAS, GMP - 182.10
    Hyacinth Flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic bevs only - 172.510
    Hydrazine - BC, REG, ZERO - For steam contacting food -173.310
    Hydriodic acid - SANI, REG, <25 ppm I2 in soln Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Hydrobiotite, exfoliated - FEED, REG, See Verxite -573.1000
    Hydrochloric acid - MISC, REG, GMP, Modifier for food starch - 172.892; B&N, GRAS/FS - 182.1057; Acidifier in skim milk - 131.1444 and cottage cheese making -133.129 and Cnd Tom Prods Processing - 155 and dried eggs - 160.105 and dried egg yolks - 160.185 and modifie
    Hydrocortisone (as acetate or sodium succinate) - VET, REG, 10 ppb neg res - In milk as residue - 556.320; VET, REG, In mastitis formulation - 556.820
    Hydrogen Cyanide - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues-40 CFR 180.130
    Hydrogen peroxide - MISC, REG, Used in combination with acetic acid to form peroxyacetic acid 59 ppm in wash water for fruits and vegetables that are not raw agricultural commodities- 173.315.
    Hydrogenated corn syrup - REG, GMP, In dog/cat foods as humectant - 573.530
    Hydrogenated menhaden oil - GRAS, GMP - 184.1472
    Hydrolyzed leather meal - FEED, REG, 1% by wt of feed In swine feed - 573.540
    Hydrolyzed vegetable protein - FLAV, FS, GMP, 161.190, Cnd Tuna; Part 155, Vegetables
    1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-di-phosphonic acid - MISC, REG, GMP, Used with peroxyacetic acid for washing fruits and vegetables that are not raw agricultural commodities at levels < 4.8 ppm in wash water - 173.315
    a-Hydro-omega-hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) poly (oxypropy lene) (minimum 15 moles) poly (oxyethylene) block co-polymers - AF, REG, <0.05% by wt - As surfactant & defoaming agent in scald baths > 125 oF for poultry defeathering, then potable water rinse - 172.808; < 5 gm per hog - As foam control and r
    a-Hydro-omega-hydroxy-poly(oxyethylene)poly-(oxypropylene)(53-59moles) poly(oxyethylene)(14-16 moles) block copolymer, (mol wt 3500-4125) - SDA, REG, 10 ppm total in finished beverage or fruit juice drink ­In combination with dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate -172.810, 172.808
    a-Hydro-omega-hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) Poly (oxy propy-lene) (55-61 moles) Poly (oxyethylene) block copolymers, (mol wt. 9,760-13,200) - SDA/STAB, REG, GMP, Solubilizer and stabilizer in flavor concentrates -172.808
    a-Hydro-omega-hydroxy-poly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene)(51-57moles) Poly(oxyethylene) block copolymer (Mol. wt. 14,000) - MISC, REG, <0.5% wt. of flour used - Dough conditioner 172.808
    1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid - REG, May only be used with peroxyacetic acid, < 4.8 ppm in wash water for fruits & vegs that are not raw agricultural commodities- 173.315.
    Hydroxylated lecithin - EMUL, FS, Part 136, Bakery Products; REG, GMP, In foods except standardized foods not providing for such use - 172.814; AF, REG, GMP, Defoaming agent for processing beet sugar and yeast -173.340
    4-Hyddroxymethyl-2,6-di-tertbutylphenol - REG antioxidant alone or in combination with other antioxidants so total antioxidants do not exceed .02 per cent of oil or fat content of the food - 172.150
    Hydroxypropyl cellulose - MISC, REG, GMP, EMUL, STAB - 172.870
    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - EMUL, REG/FS, GMP - 172.874;Part 169, Dressings; Part 135, Fr Desserts
    8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate - MISC, BAN, Was used as comp. of a cottage cheese coagula
    Hygromycin B - FEED, REG, ZERO - In eggs of poultry and in uncooked edible tissues & by-products of swine and poultry as residue - 556.330, 558.55, 558.58, 558.76, 558.78, 558.128, 558.274, 558.460, 558.625, 558.630, 558.680
    Hyssop - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20; Use in chicken & swine feeds
    Iceland moss - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Imazalil - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.413
    Imazethapyr - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.447
    Immortelle - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Imperatoria - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic bevs only -172.510
    Inorganic bromides present as a result of fumigation of processed foods with organic bromides, and/or from use on raw product - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.123 and 40 CFR 180.123a; 40 CFR 180.199
    Inositol - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, 182.5370, 184.1370
    Insoluble Glucose Isamase enzyme preparations - ENZ, GRAS, GMP, 184.1372
    Interim Tolerances PEST, REG, Tolerances in Residues 40 CFR 180.319
    Intrinsic Factor complex (Liver-stomach concentration) DS,ILL, See section 250.201 - X-ref; Liver-stomach concentrate
    Invert sugar - NUTR, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1859; Part 145 Canned fruit; Part 146 Canned fruit juices; Part 169 Food dressings and flavorings
    Iodine - SANI, REG, <25 ppm I2 in soln - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Iodine (from potassium iodide) - DS, REG - 172.375, <0.225 mg I2 per day - w/o reference to age or physical state; <0.045 mg I2 per day - infants; <0.105 mg I2 per day - children <4 years old; <0.225 mg I2 per day - adults and children > 4 years; <0.3 mg I2 per day - Pregnant or lactating women
    Iodine (calcium iodate, calcium iodobehenate, cuprous iodide, 3,5-diiodo- salicylic acid, ethylenediamine dihydroiodide, potassium iodate, potassium iodide, sodium iodate, sodium iodide, thymol iodide) - NUTR, GRAS, As nutritional dietary supplement in animal feed - 
    Iodinated casein - FEED, REG, 100 - 200 gms/ton - In duck feed - 558.295; 1/2 to 1 1/2 lb/100 lb body weight - In dairy cow feed - 558.295
    Ion exchange membranes - MISC, REG, In production of grapefruit juice - 173.20
    Ion exchange resins - MISC, REG, For purification of food and water - 173.25
    Iprodione - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.399
    Irish Moss and extract of - X-ref - Carrageenan
    Iron (ascorbate, carbonate, chloride, citrate, fumarate, gluconate, lactate, oxide, phosphate, pyrophosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, sulfate, reduced iron) - NUTR, DS, GRAS, As nutritional dietary supplement in animal feed - 582.80;X-Ref Ferric and Ferrous listings
    Iron ammonium citrate - AC, REG, <25 ppm - In salt for human or animal consumption - 172.430, 573.560
    Iron-choline citrate complex - FEED, REG, GMP, As source of iron - 573.580; NUTR/DS, REG, In foods for sp diet use - 172.370
    Iron (harmless salts of) - NUTR, FS, Part 137, Flour; Part 139, Macaroni & Noodles; Part 136, Bakery Pdts
    Iron, elemental - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 184.1375
    Iron, reduced DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5375
    Iron salts - X-ref; Ferric and Ferrous listings
    Irradiated enzymes - MISC, REG, Dose not to exceed 10 kilograys - Control of microorganisms - 179.26
    Irradiated food - MISC, REG, Dose not to exceed 1 kilo-gray -To control arthropod pests in any food or to inhibit maturation of fresh foods - 179.26
    Irradiated meats - MISC, REG, Minimum dose 44 kilogram - For sterilization of frozen, packaged meats, NASA -179.26
    Irradiated molluscan shellfish - MISC, REG, Max dose 5.5 kGy - Control of Vibrio bacteria and other microorganisms in or on fresh and frozen molluscan shellfish -179.26
    Irradiated pork - MISC, REG, Min. dose 0.3 kilograys. Max dose 1 kilogray - Control of Trichinella spiralis - 179.26
    Irradiated poultry - MISC, REG, Dose not to exceed 3.0 kilograys - To control pathogens in fresh or frozen uncooked poultry - 179.26
    Irradiated poultry feed - FEED, REG, Dose range 2 to 25 kilogray gamma radiation from cobalt-60 - to render poultry feed salmonella negative - 579.40
    Irradiated yeast - NUTR, FS, Part 137.305 - Enr Farina, source of Vit D.
    Irradiated spices, herbs & seasonings - SP, REG, Dose not to exceed 30 kilograys - Control of microorganisms -179.26
    Irradiation - 579.22 and 179; also see "Radiation"
    Isoascorbic acid - PRES, GRAS, X-ref - Erythorbic acid -182.3041
    Isobutane - GRAS, MISC, propellant, aerating agent -184.1165
    Isobutylene-isoprene copolymer - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Isobutylene resin, polyisobutylene - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Isoleucine (l form only) - NUTR/DS, REG, Food Additive Reg - 172.320
    Isoparaffinic petroleum hydrocarbons, synthetic MISC, REG, GMP, 172.882
    Isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol - SOLV, REG, <250 ppm as residue in modified hop extract - 172.560; <50 ppm as residue - In mfr of spice oleoresins - 173.240; 6 ppm - In mfr of lemon oil - 173.240; 2% by wt - In hop extract as residue from extraction of hops in mfr of beer - 173.240; AF, REG, GMP, Co
    Isopropyl citrate - GRAS/FS, <0.02% - 182.6386; <0.02% in oleomargarine - 166.110
    Iva - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only -172.510
    Ivermectin - VET, REG, 15 ppb - As a residue in liver of cattle and reindeer - 556.344; 20 ppb - As a residue in liver of swine - 556.344; Use: As injection for cattle; Combination with clorsulon - 522.1193; Use: Cattle (Paste) - 520.1192; Use: Cattle, swine, reindeer (Injection) - 522.1192
    Jasmine - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Jelutong - MISC, REG, GMP, as chewing gum base
    Juniper (berries) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Karaya gum - STAB, GRAS/FS, See Reg - 184.1349; X-ref - Gum Karaya
    Kelp - DS, REG, <0.225 mg 12 per day - w/o reference to age or physical state; <0.045 mg 12 per day - Infants; <0.105 mg 12 per day - <4 years old; <0.225 mg 12 per day - Adults and children > 4 years old; <0.30 mg I2 per day -Pregnant or lactating women; Source of iodine in foods for special dietar
    Kelp (see algae, brown) - NAT, GRAS, GMP - 184.1120, 172.365
    Kola nut - ESO, GRAS, GMP - 182.20
    Labdanum - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Lactase Enzyme Preparation from Kluyveromyces lactis - ENZ, GRAS, GMP - 184.1388
    Lactic acid - B&N, GRAS/FS - 184.1061, Part 136, Bakery Pdts; Part 133, Cheese; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Part 150, Fruit Butters, Jellies & Preserves; In animal feed practices - 582.1061
    Lactofen - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.432
    Lactose - NUTRS, FS, Nutritive Sweetener - 168.122; Part 133 (133.124, 133.178, 133.179) - Cheeses; 169.179 Vanilla powder; 169.182 - Vanilla-vanillin powder
    Lactose, Hydrolyzed - NUTRS, FS, Nutritive Sweetner; Part 133 (133.124, 133.178, 133.179) - Cheeses
    Lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propylene glycol - EMUL, REG, GMP, In food as an emulsifier, plasticizer, or surface active agent - 172.850
    Lactylic esters of fatty acids - EMUL, REG, GMP, For use in foods where standards do not preclude use - 172.848
    Lactylic stearate - MISC, REG/FS, < 0.5 part/100 parts flour - Part 136, Bakery Pdts - alone or comb/w calcium stearoyl -2-lactylate, sodium stearyl fumarate or succinylated monoglycerides - l72.844
    Lanolin - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base -172.615
    Lasolocid sodium - FEED, REG, 0.05 ppm - Res in edible tissues of chicken - 556.347; Use - 558.311; 4.8 ppm - Res in cattle liver - 556.347; Use: Feed Suppl, Finished Feed, Premix, Liquid Feed Suppl - 558.311
    Lasalocid sodium - FEED, REG, 10.3 ppm - Res in skin of chicken - 556.347(a); 7.2 ppm - Res in chicken liver -556.347(a); 0.7 ppm - Res in cattle liver - 556.347(a); Use in chicken, cattle & sheep feed products (finished feeds, suppls, premixes, & liquid feed suppls) - 558.311
    Latex (butadiene styrene rubber) - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Laurel berries, leaves - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Laureth 23 - See Polyoxyethylene (23) Lauryl Ether
    Lauric acid - MISC, REG - CTG fresh fruit - 172.210, 172.860; AF - 173.340
    Lauryl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP - See Fatty Alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    alpha-Lauryl-omega-hydroxypoly (oxyethylene) (avg. mol wt 400) - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage; May be used on beverage containers including milk containers & equipment - 178.1010
    Lavandin - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Lavender - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10; 182.20
    Lavender, spike - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Leather meal, hydrolyzed - FEED, REG, 1% by wt of feed - In swine feed - 573.540
    Lecithin, hydroxylated lecithin - MISC, GRAS/FS -184.1400, Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 136, Bakery Pdts; Part l66, Oleomargarine; Part 133, Cheese Pdts; Part 582 Animal feeds; REG, GMP, Comp of defoamer - 173.340; EMUL, REG, GMP, In foods where standards do not pre­clude use - 172.814
    Lemon, lemon peel - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Lemon balm (See Balm) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Lemon grass - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Lemon-verbena - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    L-Leucine - NUTR/DS, REG, Food Additive Reg -172.320; MISC, REG, 3.5% of tab wt - In aspartame tabs as lubricant - 558.240
    Levamisole hydrochloride -VET/FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm neg res - In edible tissues of cattle, sheep & swine as res -556.350; Use & other information: Feeds (cattle & swine)-558.315; Dosage forms - 520.1242, 524.900, 558.254; Injection as phosphate - 522.1244
    Licorice and derivatives (ammoniated glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhiza) - FLAV, GRAS, < 0.05% Baked goods - Flavor, Flavor enhancer, a surface active agent; < 0.1% - Alcoholic Beverages; < 0.15% - Nonalcoholic Beverages; < 1.1% Chewing Gum; < 16.0% - Hard Candy; < 0.15% - He
    Lignin sulfonate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, sodium includes lignin from Abaca - FEED, REG, < 4% of finished pellets - Sole pelleting aid in animal feeds -573.600; As binding agent in flaked grains; < 11% of molasses - As a surfactant in molasses used in feeds
    Lime (citrus) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Limestone, Ground - GRAS, GMP - 184.1409
    Linaloe wood - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Linear undecylbenzenesulfonic acid - MISC, REG, < 3.0 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets before slicing operation - 173.315
    Lincomycin hydrochloride - VET/FEED, REG, 0.15 ppm neg res - Res in milk - 556.360; 0.1 ppm neg res - In edible tissues of chickens & swine - 556.360: Uses & Info -558.58; 558.145; 558.105; 558.195; 558.355; 558.680; 558.511; 558.515; 558.530; 558.530; As soluble powder in drinking water - 520.1263b
    Linden flowers - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Linden leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Linoleic acid - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, Prepared from edible fats & oils & free from chick edema factor - 182.5065, 184.1065
    Liver-stomach concentrate w/ intrinsic factor complex DS, ILL, Any food containing the intrinsic factor is adulterated - PART 250.201(f)
    Locust bean - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Locust (carob) bean gum - STAB, GRAS/FS, X-ref ­Carob bean gum - 184.1343, Part 133 (133.178, 133.179), Cheeses; Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Art Sw Jellies & Preserves, Part 150; Dressings for Food, Part 169
    Lovage - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavor -172.510
    Lungmoss - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Lupulin - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    L-Lysine - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Mace - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10
    Madurimicin ammonium aka "CYGRO" - FEED, REG, Use: In feed - 558.340; 0.24 ppm - Safe concentrate in mus­cle - 556.735; 0.72 ppm - Safe concentrate in liver - do; 0.48 ppm - Safe concentrate in skin/fat - do; 0.38 ppm - Res in fat of chicken - do; VET, REG, Use in chicken feeds -558.340; 0.24 ppm - 
    Magnesium carbonate - B&N, GRAS/FS - 184.1425; Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 137, Cereal Flours; Part 133, Cheeses; Part 155, Cnd Peas; Part 135, Frozen Desserts: Part 582 - Animal Feeds
    Magnesium chloride - B&N, GRAS/FS; 172.560, Modified Hop Extract - 184.1426
    Magnesium cyclamate - NNS, ILL, Removed from the GRAS list 10-21-69, Legal only in pdts complying with drug provision of the law - 189.135
    Magnesium hydroxide - MISC, GRAS/FS - 184.1428; Part 155, Cnd Peas; Part 582 - Animal Feeds
    Magnesium oxide - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1431; Part 163, Cacao Pdts; Part 155, Cnd Peas; Part 135 Frozen Dessert; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5431; Part 582 Animal feeds
    Magnesium phosphate (di-, tri- basic) - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5434, 184.1434
    Magnesium silicate - AC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.2437; < 2.0% - In table salt; Part 169.179, Vanilla Powder
    Magnesium stearate - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1440; As migratory substance from pkg materials when used as a stabilizer; AF, REG, Defoaming agent comp - 173.340; anti-caking agent -172.863
    Magnesium sulfate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5443, 184.1443
    Maidenhair fern - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In Alcoholic Beverages only - 172.510
    Malathion - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.111
    Maleic hydrazide - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.175
    Malic acid, L-malic acid - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP -184.1069; < 3.4% - Nonalcoholic Beverages; < 3.0% Chewing Gum; < 0.8% - Gelatins, Puddings & Fillings; < 6.9% - Hard Candy; < 2.6% - Jams & Jellies; < 3.5% ­Processed Fruits & Juices; < 3.0% - Soft Candy; < 0.7% -All other food; 131.144, Acidified Skim 
    Malt (extract) - ESO, GRAS
    Malt syrup (malt extract) - FLAV, GRAS, GMP -184.1445; nutrs in Part 133 (133.178, 133.179, 133.180); comp of color additive caramel - 73.85
    Maltodextrin - GRAS, GMP - From corn and potato starch -184.1444
    Maltose - NUTRS, Part 133 (133.124, 133.178, 133.179, 133.180) - Cheeses
    Mandarin oil - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Maneb, coordination product of zinc ion - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.110
    Manganese bacitracin - FEED, REG, See Bacitracin, manganese
    Manganese chloride -DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP -182.5446, 184.1446
    Manganese citrate - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5449, 184.1449
    Manganese gluconate - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP -182.5452, 184.1452
    Manganese glycerophosphate - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP-182.5455, 182.8455
    Manganese hypophosphite - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP -182.8458
    Manganese sulfate - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5461, 184.1461
    Manganese salts (acetate, carbonate, chloride, soluble citrate, gluconate, ortho-phosphate, dibasic phosphate, sulfate, oxide) - NUTR/DS, GRAS, In animal feed - 582.80
    Manganous oxide - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5464
    Mannitol - NUTR, GRAS/INTERIM, < 98.0% - Pressed Mints; < 5.0% - Hard Candy; < 31.0% - Chewing Gum; < 40.0% - Soft Candy; < 8.0% - Frostings; < 15.0% - Jams & Jellies; < 2.5% - all other food; Label "Excess consump­tion may have laxative effect" if daily ingestion < 
    Maple, mountain - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Marigold, pot - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Marjoram, pot - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Marjoram, sweet - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Massaaranduba balata - REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Massaaranduba chocolate - REG, GMP, Comp of chew­ing gum base - 172.615
    Materials used as fixing agents in the immobilization of enzyme preparations - 173.357
    Mate - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Melengestrol acetate - FEED, REG, ZERO - In edible tissues & by-products of cattle as a res - 556.380; Use in cat­tle feeds - 558.342, 558.542
    Melissa (see Balm) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Menadione - DS, PD, Extension for use as a dietary suppl w/limit of 1 mg/day revoked 3/22/63. No food additive regulation authorizing use of menadione in prenatal suppls or any other food pdt issued
    Menadione dimethylphyrimdinol bisulfite (2-hydroxy-4, 6- dimethyl pyrimidinol salt of menadione) - FEED, REG, 2.0 g/ton - As nutritional suppl in chicken & turkey feed for prevention of vitamin K deficiency 573.620; 10.0 g/ton - 
    Menhaden oil (hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated) - NUTR, GRAS - 184.1472
    Menthol - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Menthyl acetate - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    N-(Mercaptomethyl) phthalimide S-(O,O-dimethylphos-phorodithioate) and its oxygen analog - VET/PEST, REG,Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.261; Use: Liquid - 524.1742
    Metalaxyl - FUNG, REG, 5.0 ppm -Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.408
    Metaldehyde - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.523
    Methacrylic acid-divinyl benzene copolymer - MISC, REG, GMP - Carrier for Vitamin B12 in nutritional suppls -172.775
    Methanearsonic acid - FEED, REG, See arsenic - In/on cottonseed hulls, 561.280; PEST, REG - Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.289
    Methidathion - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.298
    Methionine (L- & -DL forms) - NUTR, REG - 172.320, DL form not for infant foods; Animal Feeds - 582.5475
    Methionine hydroxy analog and its calcium salts -NUTR/DS, GRAS, Animal feeds - 582.5477
    Methoprene - FEED/ADD, REG,Tolerances for Residues ­40 CFR 180.359
    Methyl alcohol residues - SOLV, REG, < 50 ppm - As residual solvent in mfr of spice oleoresins; < 2.2% by wt - In hop extract for beer - 173.250; < 100 ppm - In modified hop extract for beer - 172.560
    Methyl bromide - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.123, 40 CFR 180. 123a
    Methylcellulose (USP methylcellulose) -MISC, GRAS/FS, Except methoxy content - 27.5 & 31.5% dr wt basis - 182.1480; Part 150 (150.141, 150.161), Fruit Butters, Jellies; VET, REG, For use in mastitis formulation for treating dairy animals - 526.820
    Methylene chloride - SOLV, REG, < 30 ppm - As residual solvent in mfr of spice oleoresins - 173.255; < 10 ppm - In decaffeinated roasted coffee & decaffeinated soluble (instant) coffee; < 2.2% - As res in hop extract. Extract added before or during cooking of beer; MISC, REG, < 5 ppm - In modified h
    Methyl ester of rosin - partially hydrogenated - MISC, REG, GMP, As a constituent of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Methyl esters of fatty acids produced from edible fats & oils - MISC, REG, < 3% wt of aqueous & < 200 ppm raisins - In dehydrating grapes to produce raisins, > 90% methyl esters of fatty acids; < 1.5% unsaponifiable material 172.225
    Methyl esters of higher fatty acids - FEED, REG, In animal feed - 573.640
    Methyl ethyl cellulose - MISC, REG, GMP, In food as aer­ating, emulsifying & foaming agent - 172.872
    Methyl glucoside - coconut oil ester - MISC, REG, GMP, In mfr of sucrose & dextrose - 172.816; FEED, REG, < 320 ppm - Used as surfactant in molasses intended for use as comp of animal feeds - 573.660
    Methylparaben (methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate) - PRES, GRAS/ FS - 184.1490; < 0.1% by wt - Part 150, Art Sw Jelly (150.141) & Preserves (150.161); REG, ZERO - Res in milk from dairy cows treated with mastitis formulations -556.390; Use & Info - 526.820
    Methyl prednisolone - VET, REG, 10 ppb - Res in milk -556.400
    Metolachlor - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.368
    Metoserpate hydrochloride -VET, REG, 0.02 ppm neg res - In edible tissues of chickens - 556.410: Use - 520.1422
    Metsulfuron methyl - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.428
    Microcapsules - MISC, REG, GMP, For flavoring oils & spices, Capsules contain succinylated gelatin, arabinogalactan, silicon dioxide, glutaraldehyde, n-octyl alcohol & petroleum wax - 172.230
    Microcrystalline cellulose - MISC, FS, Unlisted GRAS
    Microparticulated protein product - MISC, GRAS, GMP, Thickener & texturizer in frozen dessert-type pdts. May not be used to replace milk fat in standardized frozen desserts.-184.1498
    Milk Clotting Enzymes - 173.150 see Enzymes
    Mimosa (black wattle) flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Mineral oil, white (Use limitations include all petroleum hydrocarbons that may be used in combination with white mineral oil) - AF, REG, < l50 ppm - In yeast from defoamer comp - 173.340; < 0.008% of wash water - Comp of defoaming agents in wash water for sliced potatoes - do; CTG, REG, GMP, on fru
    Mixed Carbohydrase and Protease enzyme product - ENZ, GRAS, GMP - 184.1027
    Modified Hop Extract - FLAV, REG, GMP - IN BEER 172.560
    Molasses (extract) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Molecular sieve resins - MISC, REG, GMP, For final purification of partially delactosed whey - 173.40
    Monensin, monensin sodium - FEED, REG, 0.05 ppm As res in edible tissues of cattle - 556.420; 1.5 ppm - As res in muscle tissue of chicken & turkey - do; 3.0 ppm - As res in skin w/fat of chicken & turkey - do; 4.5 ppm - As res in liver of chicken - do; Uses in chicken & cattle feeds -558.355, 558.1
    Monoammonium glutamate - MISC, GRAS - 182.1500
    Monobutyl esters of polyethylene-polypropylene glycol produced by random condensation of a 1:1 mixture by weight of ethylene oxide & propylene oxide with butanol - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water compound -173.310
    Monocalcium phosphate (calcium phosphate monobasic) - B&N, GRAS/FS, X-ref - calcium phosphate, monobasic - 182.1217, 182.5217, 182.6215, 182.8217; < 0.75 parts/100 parts of flour (Part 136, Bakery Pdts - 136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180); < 4.5 parts inclu
    Monochloracetic acid - PRES, BAN, Any amount in beverages & other foods will serve to adulterate them -189.155
    Monoester of alpha -hydro -omega -hydroxy -poly (oxyethylene)poly (oxypropylene) poly (oxyethylene) ((minimum 15 moles) blocked copolymer derived from low erucic acid rapeseed oil - Defoaming agent component used in processing beet sugar - 173.340
    Monoethanolamine - MISC, REG, < 0.3 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    Monoglyceride citrate - MISC, REG, < 200 ppm, As a synergist & solubilizer for antioxidants in oils & fats - 172.832
    Monoglycerides, distilled - VET, REG, For use in mastitis formulations for treating dairy animals - 526.820
    Monoglycerides of fatty acids - STAB, REG, GMP, Used in mfr of stearyl monoglyceridyl citrate for shortenings -172.755
    Mono- & diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat forming acids - MISC, GRAS/FS - 184.1505; EMUL <0.5% - 166.40, Oleomargarine; comb w/monosodium phosphate derivatives <0.5% - Part 163 (163.123, 163.130, 163.135, 163.140, 163.145, 163.150, 163.153, 163.155) Cacao Pdts; FS, <20.0% of shorten
    Monoisopropyl citrate - SEQ, GRAS, GMP - 182.6511, X-ref - "Isopropyl Citrate"; EMUL Part 166 (166.40, 166.110) Margarine
    Monopotassium glutamate - MISC, GRAS - 182.1516; NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Monopotassium phosphate (potassium phosphate, monobasic) - MISC, GRAS/FS, < 0.5% - In Frozen Eggs ­Part 160.110
    Monosodium glutamate - FLAV, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.1; Part 155 (155.120, 155.130, 155.131, 155.170, 155.200, 155.201) - Cnd Vegs; 158.170 - Frozen peas; 161.190 - Cnd Tuna; Part 169 (169.115, 169.140, 169.150) Food Dressings; NUTR/DS, REG -172.320; In animal feeds -582.156
    Monosodium phosphate (sodium phosphate, monobasic) - GRAS/FS, GMP, X-ref - sodium phosphate (monobasic) & sodium phosphate (mono-, di-, and tribasic), MISC -182.1778, DS - 182.5778, SEQ - 182.6085, 182.6778, NUTR - 182.8778; Part 133 (133.173, 133.174), Cheeses, Various; Part 150 (150.141, 150.161),
    Monosodium phosphate derivatives of mono- & diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids - EMUL, GRAS, GMP - 184.1521
    Morantel Tartrate - FEED/VET, REG, 1.2 ppm - As res in uncooked edible cattle muscle tissue - 556.425; 2.4 ppm As res in cattle liver - do; 3.6 ppm - As res in cattle kidney do; 4.8 ppm - As res in fat - do; 0.4 ppm - As res in milk ­do; Use: As bolus - 520.1450; In cattle feed - 558.360; As sustain
    Morpholine - CTG, REG, GMP, As the salt(s) of one or more fatty acids meeting 172.860 specs as comp of protective coatings applied to fresh fruits & veg - 172.235; BC, REG, 10 ppm in steam - Except in steam in contact w/milk or milk pdts - 173.310
    Mullein flowers - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Musk (tonquin musk) - MISC, GRAS - 182.50
    Mustard, brown or black - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Mustard, white or yellow - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Myclobutanil - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.443
    Myristic acid - CTG, REG, GMP - 172.210; NUTR, GMP -172.860; AF used to process sugar beets and yeast -173.340
    Myristyl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, See fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Myrj 45 (polyoxyethylene 8-stearate) - EMUL, ILL, (No petition filed) Use in foods unauthorized
    Myrrh - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only -172.510
    Myrtle leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Naphtha - SOLV, in color additive mixtures for shell eggs, w/o penetration of color to interior of shell - 73.1
    Narasin - FEED, REG, Use: In broiler chicken feeds - 58.363
    Naringin - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    NDGA - AOX, ILL, See Nordihydroguaiaretic acid -189.165
    Natamycin (pimaricin) - FUNG, REG, applied on cheese as an antimycotic not to exceed 20 milligrams per kilogram (20 ppm) in the finished product -172.155
    Natural Flavoring Substances - see individual flavoring or go to 172.510 for complete list
    Natural gas - x-ref combustion product gas - 173.350
    Neomycin - VET, REG, 0.15 ppm neg res - As res in milk - 556.430:Use - 520.455; 0.25 ppm neg res - As res in edi­ble tissues of calves - do; Use - 520.1484
    Neotame - NNS, REG, GMP, Sweetening agent and flavor enhancer in foods generally, except in meat in poultry, and in sugar substitute tablets - 172.829
    Nequinate - FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm neg res - As res in uncooked edible tissue of chickens - 556.440; Use in chick­en feeds - 558.365
    Neroli, bigarade - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Niacin - NUTR/DS, GRAS/FS - 182.5530, 184.1530; Part 137 (137.165, 137.185, 137.235, 137.260, 137.305, 137.350) Cereal Flours; Part 139 (139.115, 139.117, 139.122, 139.155, 139.165), Macaroni & Noodle Pdts; 136.115, Enriched Bread
    Niacinamide -NUTR/DS, GRAS/FS -182.5535, 184.1535; Part 137 (137.165, 137.185, 137.235, 137.260, 137.305, 137.350), Cereal Flours; Part 139 (139.115, 139.117, 139.122, 139.155, 139.165), Macaroni & Noodle Pdts; 136.115, Enriched Bread
    Nicotinamide-ascorbic acid complex - DS, REG, In multi-vitamin prepns as source of ascorbic acid & nicotinamide - 172.315
    Nicarbazin - FEED, REG, 4 ppm - As res in uncooked muscle, liver, skin, & kidney of chickens - 556.445; Use in chicken feeds - 558.366
    Nickel - GRAS, GMP - 184.1537
    Nisin preparation - MISC, GRAS - 184.1538; < 250 ppm -Antimicrobial in Cheese pdts, Part 133 (133.175., 133.176, 133.179, 133.180)
    Nitapyrin - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.350
    Nitarsone - FEED, REG, 0.5 ppm as arsenic - As res in muscle meat & eggs of chicken - 556.60; Use: Feeds -558.369
    Nitrites (sodium and potassium) - X-ref sodium nitrite & potassium nitrite, PRES, PS, curing red meat & poultry pdts -181.34
    Nitrogen - MISC, GRAS/FS - 184.1540; Part 169 (169.115, 169.140, 169.150), Dressings for Foods; Part 582.1540 - Animal Feeds
    Nitrogen oxides - BL, FS, Part 137 (137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185), Cereal Flours
    3-Nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (Roxarsone) FEED, REG, 0.5 ppm as arsenic - In muscle meat & eggs of chickens as res - 556.60; 2.0 ppm as arsenic - As res in edible by-products, turkeys, & swine - 556.60; 0.5 ppm as arsenic - As res in muscle tissue & by-products other than liver & kidney - 556.
    Nitroimide w/Sulfanitran - FEED, REG, ZERO res for Nitroimide - As res in uncooked edible chicken tissue -556.220; Use in chicken feeds - 558.376
    Nitrosyl chloride - BL, FS, GMP, Part 137 (137.105, 137.155, 137.160, 137.165, 137.170, 137.175, 137.180, 137.185, 137.200, 137.205), Cereal Flours
    Nitrous oxide - MISC, GRAS, Propellant for dairy & veg-fat toppings in pressurized containers - 184.1545
    Nonanoic acid - SANI, REG - 178.1010
    alpha-(p-Nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxypoly (oxyethylene) - PEST, REG, GMP, Adjuvant for pesticide use -172.710; SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage
    Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) - AOX, ILL, Not legal for use in foods - 189.165
    Norflurazon - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 40 CFR 180.356
    Novobiocin - FEED/VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - In milk from dairy animals - 556.460; 1.0 ppm - In uncooked edible tissues of cattle, chickens, turkeys, & ducks - 556.060; Uses in chicken, turkey, & duck feeds - 558.415; 525.1590
    Nutmeg - ESO/SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Nystatin - FEED, REG, ZERO - In eggs of poultry & in uncooked edible tissues & by-products of swine & poultry from use in feed as res - 556.470; Use in chicken & turkey feeds - 558.430
    Oak moss - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Thujone free Comp of flavors - 172.510
    Oak, white, chips - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Oak, (English), wood - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Oat gum - STAB, GRAS, GMP, Part 135.30, Frozen Desserts; Part 133 (133.178, 133.179, 133.180), Cheese Pdts
    Octadecylamine - BC, REG, < 3.0 ppm in steam Excluding use of such steam in contact w/milk & milk pdts -173.310
    Octafluorocyclobutane - MISC, REG, GMP, Propellent for food pdts - 173.360
    n-Octanoic (caprylic) acid - X-ref caprylic acid, MISC, GRAS 184.1025; < 0.013% baked pdts, < 0.04% cheeses, < 0.005% fats & oils, 0.016% snack foods, < 0.001% all other food categories - 182.1025; CTG, GMP, fresh citrus fruit, 172.210; MISC, REG, GMP, 172.860; part of aliphatic acid mixture < 1.0% 
    1-Octenyl succinic anhydride-MISC, REG, < 3.0% alone or < 2.0% w/ < 2.0% aluminum sulfate - Modifier for food starch - 172.892; SANI - 178.178.1010
    n-Octyl alcohol - AF, REG, GMP, Comp of microcapsules -172.230
    Octyl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, See Fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864; SOLV, REG, extraction process for citric acid - 172.280
    n-Octylbicycloheptane dicarboximide - FUM, REG, 10 ppm - In foods - 172.864
    Octyldimethylamine and a mixture of n-carboxylic acids - SANI, REG - 178.1010
    Octyl gallate - PRES, REG, <0.0075% in margarine -166.110
    Oil of sassafras - FL/ADJ, BAN - Illegal for use in foods 189.180
    Oil of sassafras, safrole free - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Flavoring in food, See section 172.580 for specs
    Oleandomycin - FEED, REG, 0.15 ppm - As res in edible tissues of chickens, turkeys & swine - 556.480; Uses -558.435
    Oleic acid - MISC, REG, GMP - In foods as a lubricant, binder, & defoaming agent & as comp in mfr of other "food grade" additives - 172.840, 172.860, 172.863; CTG, GMP, fresh citrus fruit, 172.210; MISC, REG, < 1.0 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing ope
    Oleic acid derived from tall oil fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP - As a comp in mfr of food-grade additives - 172.862; CTG, GMP, on fresh citrus fruit, 172.210; AF, GMP, in processing beet sugar & yeast - 173.340
    Olestra - REG, May be used in place of fats and oils in prepackaged ready-to-eat savory snacks, and prepackaged, unpopped popcorn kernels that are ready-to-heat. In such foods, the additive may be used in place of fats and oils for frying or baking, in dough conditioners, in sprays, in filling ingre
    Olibanum oil - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Onion - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Opopanax - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors 172.510
    Orange-bitter, flowers, peel-ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Orange-sweet, leaf, flower, peel - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Oregano (origanum, Mexican oregano, Mexican sage, origan) - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Origanum - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Ormetoprim (2,4-Diamino-5(6-methylveratryl)pyrimi-dine) - FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm - As res in edible tissues of chickens, ducks, turkeys, salmonids & catfish - 556.490; Use in animal feed w/sulfadimethoxine - 558.575
    Orris root -FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Oxamyl - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.303
    Ox bile extract - EMUL, GRAS, GMP, < 0.002% cheese -184.1560
    Oxides of nitrogen - BL, FS, GMP, Part 137, Cereal Flours
    Oxfendazol - VET, REG, Use: As suspension for cattle -520.1630; 0.8 ppm - As res in cattle; liver (target tissue) -556.495
    Oxystearin - INH, REG, 0.125% comb wt of oil, plus the additive - In cottonseed & soybean cooking & salad oils -172.818; INH, REG/FS, Part 169, Dressings for Foods; AF, REG, GMP, Comp of defoamer - 173.340
    Oxytetracycline - FEED/VET, REG, 3 ppm - As res in uncooked kidneys of chickens & turkeys - 556.500; 1 ppm -In uncooked muscle, liver, fat & skin of chickens & turkeys as res - 556.500; 0.1 ppm neg res - In uncooked edible tissues of salmonids, catfish, & lobsters as res - 556.500; 0.1 ppm neg res -
    Ozone - STERL, REG, GMP (< 0.4 mg/1l bottled water), Sterilizing bottled water - 184.1563 For use as an antimicrobial agent in the treatment, storage, and processing of foods, including meat and poultry - 173.368.
    P-4000 (5-nitro-2-n-propoxyaniline) - NNS, ILL - Not legal in food - 189.175
    Palmarosa - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Palmitic acid - MISC, REG, GMP - In foods as a lubricant, binder, & defoaming agent & as comp in mfr of other "food grade" additives - 172.860; CTG, GMP, fresh citrus fruit, 172.210; AF, GMP, in the processing of foods - 173.340
    Pansy - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only -172.510
    D-Pantothenamide - NUTR, REG, GMP, In foods for sp diet use - 172.335
    D-Panthothenyl alcohol - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 82.5580
    Papain - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1585; 137.305 ­Enriched Farina; Part 136 - Enriched Bread; Part 582.1585 - Animal feeds
    Paprika - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10; color additive, GMP -73.340
    Paprika oleoresin - ESO, GRAS - 182.20; color additive, GMP -73.345
    Paraffin wax (X-ref: Wax) - MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Paraformaldehyde - PRES, REG, 2 ppm of formaldehyde in maple syrup - Used to control microbial or fungal growth in maple tree tapholes - CFR 40 182.4650
    Paraquat - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.205
    Parsley - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Passion flower - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP - In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Patchouly - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Peach kernel (persic oil) - NAT, SP/FL/ADJ, GRAS -182.40
    Peach leaves - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only, < 25 ppm prussic acid in the flavor - 172.510
    Peanut oil - GRAS, GMP, substance migrating from cotton in dried food pkg - 182.70
    Peanut stearine - NAT, SP/FL/ADJ, GRAS - 182.40
    Pectins (including pectin modified) - EMUL, STAB, GRAS, GMP - 184.1588; sodium methyl sulfate may be present in pectins < 0.1%, 173.385; Part 145, Cnd Fruit; Part 150, Fruit Butters, Jellies & Preserves
    Pelargonic acid - MISC, REG, < 1.0% aliphatic acids - In peeling solution for fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Pendimethalin - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.361
    Penicillin - FEED/VET, REG, 0.05 ppm neg res - Res in uncooked edible tissue of cattle - 556.510; ZERO - Res in uncooked edible tissues of chickens, pheasants, quail, sheep & swine; In eggs & in milk or in processed food in which milk has been used - 556.510; 0.01 ppm - Res in uncooked edible tissue
    Penicillium roquefortii - MISC, FS, Part 133 - Cheeses
    Pennyroyal (American) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Pennyroyal (European) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Pentaerythritol ester of maleic anhydride modified wood rosin - CTG, REG, GMP, Coating on fresh citrus fruit - 172.210
    Pentaerythritol ester of rosin - X-ref - Rosin
    Pepper, black, white - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Pepper, cayenne, red - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Peppermint - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Pepsin - ENZ, < 0.1% by wt in Enriched Farina - 137.305
    Peptones - NUTR/SUPPL, GRAS, GMP, Processing aid & surface acting agent - 184.1553
    Peracetic acid - MISC, REG, Modifier for food starch, < 0.45% of active oxygen - 172.892; SANI, < 200 ppm -178.1010
    Perfluorohexane - MISC, REG, GMP, Mixture containing 1% perfluorohexane used to cool or freeze chickens -173.342
    Periodic acid - MISC, GMP, Fixing agent for the immobilization of enzyme preparations - 173.357
    Peroxyacetic acid - MISC, REG, For washing fruits and vegetables that are not raw agricultural commodities at levels < 80 ppm in wash water - 173.315
    Peroxyacids -REG, Antimicrobial agent on red meat carcasses, parts, trim, and organs with maximum concentration of 220 ppm as peroxyacetic acid and maximum concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 75 ppm. - 173.370
    Persic oil (see apricot/peach kernel oil) - NAT, SP/FL/ADJ, GRAS - 182.40
    Peruvian balsam - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Petigrain (citrus aurantium) lemon, mandarin, or tangerine - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Petrolatum NF & USP - FEED, REG, 3.0% in mineral suppls or 0.06% in total ration - In animal feeds & mineral suppls to reduce dustiness & lubricant in pelleting, cubing or blocking feeds alone or comb/w white mineral oil - 573.720; CTG, REG, GMP, Coating for raw fruits & vegs - 172.880; AF, REG, in 
    Petroleum hydrocarbons (Synthetic isoparaffinic) MISC, REG, GMP, As ctg on shell eggs - 172.882; In froth-flotation cleaning of vegs - do; As a float on fermentation fluid as in mfr of vinegar, wine & pickle brine - do; As a comp of ctg of fruits & vegs - 172.882; AF, REG, Comp of defoaming agent in
    Petroleum hydrocarbons, odorless, light - AF, REG, GMP, As defoamer in processing beet sugar & yeast -172.884, 173.340; MISC, REG, < 1.0 ppm - In modified hop extract of beer - 172.560; MISC, REG, GMP, As a float on fermentation fluids in mfr of vinegar & wine; In froth-floatation cleaning of vegs; 
    Petroleum naphtha - SOLV, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus -172.210, 172.250
    Petroleum wax - AF, REG, in beet sugar & yeast, 173.340; MISC, REG, GMP, In chewing gum base & in other foods -172.615, 172.886; CTG, REG, GMP, Coating on cheese & fruits & vegs, 172.886; MISC, REG, < 50% of total wt of capsule & flavor - Comp of microcapsule for spice flavor for frozen pizza - 172.
    Petroleum wax, synthetic - CTG, REG, GMP, On cheese & raw fruits & vegs - 172.888; MISC, REG, GMP, In chewing gum base - 172.615, 172.888; AF, REG, in beet sugar & yeast - Comp of defoaming agent - 173.340
    Phenol-formaldehyde, cross-linked, tetraethylenepentamine activated - Ion exchange resin for treatment of food or potable water - 173.25
    Phenol-formaldehyde, cross-linked, triethylenetetramine activated - Ion exchange resin for treatment of food or potable water - 173.25
    Phenol-formaldehyde, cross-linked, triethylenetetramine and tetraethylenepentamine activated - Ion exchange resin for treatment of food or potable water -173.25
    Phenol-formaldehyde, sulfite-modified, cross-linked Ion exchange resin for treatment of food or potable water -173.25
    Phenylalanine, (L-form only) - NUTR/DS, REG, Food Additive Reg - 172.320
    Phorate - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.206
    Phosalone (S-(6-chloro-3-(mercapto-methyl)-2-benz oxazolinone) O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate) - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.263
    Phosphoric acid - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.1073; 131.144, Acidified Skim Milk; Part 133 (133.123, 133.124, 133.125, 133.129, 133.147, 133.169, 133.170, 133.171, 133.173, 133.174, 133.178, 133.179, 133.180) Cheese; SANI, REG, 178.1010; Part 582.1073 - In animal feed p
    Phosphorus oxychloride - MISC, REG, < 0.1% w/ < 10% propylene oxide - In modifying food starch. Residual propylene chlorohydrin < 5 ppm - 172.892; < 0.1% or < 0.1% followed by either < 8% acetic anhydride or < 7.5% vinyl acetate - In modifying food starch, < 2.5% acetyl groups -172.892
    Pichia pastoris yeast - 573.750
    Picloram - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.292
    Pimenta oil, pimenta leaf - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Pine, dwarf, needles & twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Pine, scotch, needles & twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Pine, white, bark - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Pine, white oil - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Piperonyl butoxide - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues -40 CFR 180.127
    Pipsissewa leaves - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Poloxalene - FEED, REG, GMP, In molasses block & as feed additive in dry premixes to be fed to cattle for control of legume (alfalfa, clover) bloat - 558.464 & 520.1840; GMP, As liquified feed suppl - 558.465; < 0.32 oz/ton of feed - As a surfactant in flaking of feed grains - 573.760
    Poly (Acrylic Acid Co-hypophosphorite) sodium salt -BC, REG, < 1.5 ppm - As a boiler water additive - 173.315
    Polyacrylamide - MISC, REG, GMP, As a film former ctg < 0.2% acrylamide monomer in the imprinting of soft-shell gelatin capsules - 172.255; < 10 ppm & < 0.2% acrylamide monomer in wash water for fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Polyacrylamide resin, modified - MISC, REG, < 5 ppm by wt of juice - Used as flocculent in the clarification of beet or cane sugar juice - 173.10
    Poly(alkylmethacrylate) - MISC, REG, GMP, Adjuvant in production of petroleum wax - 172.886
    Polydextrose - MISC, REG, GMP, As bulking agent, formulation aid, humectant, & texturizer in baked goods & baking mixes (fruit, custard, & pudding filled pies, cakes, cookies, & similar baked pdt only), chewing gums, confections, frostings & salad dressings, frozen 
    Polyethylene - FEED, REG, 0.5 lb per head per day for 6 days - As roughage replacement in feedlot rations for cattle -573.780
    Polyethylene, mol. wt. 2,000 - 21,000 - MISC, REG, As constituent of chewing gum base - 172.615; Ion exchange resin material in mfr of grapefruit juice - 173.20
    Polyethylene, oxidized - CTG, REG, GMP, On fresh citrus fruits, vegs & nuts - 172.260
    Polyethylenimine reaction product with 1,2-dichloroethane - MISC, GRAS, GMP, Fixing agent in the mfr of fructose corn syrup. Fixing agent for the immobiliza­tion of glucoamylase enzyme preparations from Aspergillus niger for use in the manufacture of beer - 173.357.
    Polyoxyethylene (600) dioleate - AF, REG, Defoamer agent comp in beet sugar & yeast - 173.340
    Polyoxyethylene (600) monoricinoleate - AF, REG, Defoamer agent comp in beet sugar & yeast - 173.340
    Polyoxyethylene (23) lauryl ether - Feed (Block), REG, Use: For bloat in cattle in block - 520.1846;
    Polyethylene glycol - BC, REG, GMP, In boiler water -173.310; AF, REG, GMP, Comp of defoaming agent -173.340; CTG, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus fruits -172.210
    Polyethylene glycol (mean molecular weight 200 -9,500) - MISC, REG, GMP, Ctg, binder, plasticizing agent, and/or lubricant in tabs used for food; Adjuvant in nonnutritive sweeteners, vitamin & mineral prepns; Ctg for sodium nitrite t
    Polyethylene glycol (400) dioleate - EMUL, REG, < 10% by wt. of defoamer formulation - Processing beet sugar & yeast - 173.340
    Polyethylene glycol (400) mono- & di- oleate - Feed, REG, 250 ppm in molasses - Used as a processing aid in the production of animal feeds when present as a result if its addition to molasses - 573.800
    Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids - EMUL, REG, GMP, Used as emulsifiers in food or as cloud inhibitors in veg & salad oils where not precluded by standards - 172.854; 166.110 - Margarine, Part 169 (169.115, 169.140, 169.150) - Food D
    Polyisobutylene (minimum molecular weight 1,200-2,500) - MISC, REG, GMP, In chewing gum base - 172.615
    Polyglycerol phthalate ester of coconut oil fatty acids ­PEST, REG, GMP, Adjuvant for pesticide use - 172.710
    Polymaleic acid and/or its sodium salts - BC, REG, < 1 ppm in boiler feed water - Boiler water additive - 173.310; Specific uses: Boiler water additives, use individually or together at not greater than 4 ppm in processing of beet or cane sugar juice or liquor process steam - 173.310, 173.45
    Polyoxyethylene glycol (400) mono- & di- oleates -EMUL, REG, In milk replacer formulations for calves -573.820
    Polyoxyethylene (23) lauryl ether - FEED, REG, Use: In feed blocks for cattle - 520.1846
    Polyoxyethylene (40) monostearate -AF, REG, Defoaming agent comp - 173.340
    Polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (avg molecular weight l900) - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (avg molecular weight 2000) - SANI, REG, GMP, Adequate drainage; May be used on glass containers for holding milk - 178.1010
    Polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene block polymers (avg molecular weight 2800) - SANI, REG, < 80 ppm in soln - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate - See Polysorbate 80 - 172.840
    Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate - See Polysorbate 60 - 172.836
    Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate -See Polysorbate 65 - 172.838
    Polyoxypropylene glycol (Minimum molecular weight 1000) - BC, REG, GMP, In boiler water - 173.310
    Polypropylene glycol (Molecular weight 1200-3000) ­AF, REG, Defoaming agent comp used in beet sugar & yeast - 173.340
    Polysorbate 60 (Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-stearate) - EMUL, REG, < 0.40% alone or w/one or comb of sorbitan monostearate, Polysorbate 80, Polysorbate 65 In whipped veg oil topping. Total amount any comb < 0.77% - 172.836;REG,
    Polysorbate 65 (Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate) - EMUL, REG/FS, < 1.0% alone or w/Polysorbate 80 - Part 135, Frozen Desserts; Non-standardized Frozen Desserts - 172.838; REG, < 0.32% alone or any comb w/Polysorbate 60 &/or Sorb
    Polysorbate 80 (Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate) - EMUL, REG/FS, < 0.1% alone or with Polysorbate 65 - Part 135, Frozen Desserts - 172.840; AF, REG, < 4 ppm, Used as yeast defoaming agent - do; SDA, REG, < 500 ppm (0.05%) - I
    Polysorbate 80 w/ carrageenan or carrageenan salts -MISC, REG, < 5% Polysorbate 80 - In carrageenan or its salts - 172.623; < 500 ppm Polysorbate 80 - In finished food containing additive - 172.623
    Polyvinyl Acetate (molecular weight 2000 minimum) -MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.6l5; REG, diluent for color additive mixtures for drug use exempt from certification - 73.1
    Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone - MISC, REG, Clarifying agent in beverages & vinegar to be removed with filtration -173.50
    Polyvinylpyrrolidone (avg molecular weight 40,000, except in beer) - MISC, REG, < 10 ppm (average molecular weight 360,000) - In beer from use as a clarifying agent 173.55;< 40 ppm - In vinegar - do; REG, < 60 ppm - In wine from use as a clarifying agent - do; REG, 
    Poly(2-vinylpyridine-co-styrene) - FEED, CTG - Coating agent for nutrients for cattle - 573.870
    Pomegranate - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Poplar buds - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alcoholic beverages only - 172.510
    Poppy seed - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Pot marigold - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Pot marjoram - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Potassium acetate - B&N, FS - Unlisted GRAS
    Potassium acid tartrate - B&N/MISC, GRAS, GMP -184.1077; Part 150 (150.141, 150.161), Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; Part 582.1077 - In animal feeds
    Potassium alginate - STAB, GRAS - Stabilizer & thicken­er, < 0.1% in confections & frostings, < 0.7% in gelatins & puddings, < 0.25% in processed fruits & fruit juices, < 0.01 % in all other food categories - 184.1610
    Potassium alum - MISC, FS, Part 137, Flour; REG, used as comp of bleaching agent for dairy pdts in cheese prepn in Part 133 (133.102, 133.103, 133.104, 133.106, 133.111, 133.141, 133.165, 133.181, 133.195)
    Potassium bicarbonate - B&N/MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP -184.1613, Part 163 (163.110, 163.111, 163.112, 163.114, 163.117), Cacao Pdts; Part 582.1613 - In animal feeds
    Potassium bisulfite -PRES, GRAS/FS, GMP, Restrictions: Not in meats, foods recognized as source of Vitamin B1 , raw fruit & veg (incl fresh potatoes, i.e., not frozen, cnd or dehydrated) - served fresh - 182.3616
    Potassium bromate - BL, FS, < 75 ppm added to whole wheat flour; 50 ppm in white flour - Part 137 (137.155, 137.205), Cereal Flours; Part 136 (136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180), Bakery Pdts; MISC, REG, < 75 ppm calc as bromine - In malt for pdtn of fermented malt beverages or distilled sp
    Potassium bromide - SANI, REG, < 200 ppm available halogen - Adequate drainage - 178.1010; MISC, REG, For washing fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Potassium caprate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium caprylate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium carbonate - B&N/MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP -184.1619; Part 163, Cocoa Pdts; Used in treatment of modified hop extract - 172.560; BC, REG - 173.310; Part 582.1619 - In animal feeds - 184.1619
    Potassium caseinate - MISC, FS, Part 135 (135.110, 135.140), Frozen Desserts
    Potassium chloride - MISC, GRAS/FS - 184.1622; Part 150 (150.141, 150.161), Art Sw Jelly & Preserves, Added to margarine - 166.110; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5622
    Potassium citrate - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.1625; SEQ, GRAS, GMP - 182.1625; Part 133 (133.169, 133.173, 133.179), Cheese; Part 150 (150.141, 150.161), Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; Part 582.1625 - In animal feeds
    Potassium cyclamate - NNS, ILL, Removed from GRAS list 10-21-69 - 189.135
    Potassium dichloroisocyanurate - SANI, REG, < 100 ppm available halogen - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Potassium fumarate - REG, GMP, sp diet - 172.350
    Potassium Gibberellate - REG, < 2 ppm as gibberellic acid in malting barley - 172.725
    Potassium gluconate - MISC, FS, GMP
    Potassium glycerophosphate - DS, GRAS, GMP -182.5628; NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.8628
    Potassium hydroxide -B&N/MISC, GRAS/FS -184.1631; Part 163, Cacao Products; Part 582.1631 - In animal feeds
    Potassium hypochlorite - SANI, REG, < 200 ppm available halogen as chlorine - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Potassium iodate - BL/DS, GRAS/FS - 184.1635; < 0.0075% by wt flour - Part 136 (136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180), Bakery Pdts; Animal feed; Trace mineral in animal feeds - 582.80
    Potassium iodide - NUTR, GRAS, < 0.01% - In table salt as source of dietary iodine - 184.1634; DS, REG, < 225 micrograms daily ingestion - For foods labeled w/o reference to age or physiological state - 172.375; < 45 micrograms daily ingestion for infants - For food when age or the cond of pregnancy
    Potassium lactate - MISC, GRAS, GMP, used as flavor enhancer or adjuvant, humectant & pH control agent -184.1639
    Potassium laurate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium metabisulfite - PRES, GRAS/FS, GMP, Restrictions: Not in meats, foods recognized as source of Vitamin B1, raw fruit & veg (incl fresh potatoes, i.e., not frozen, cnd or dehydrated) - served fresh - 182.3617
    Potassium N-methyldithiocarbamate - REG, 3.5 ppm in terms of wt of sugar cane being processed - Comp of bacteriostat in controlling microorganisms in cane sugar mills; 4.1 ppm in terms of wt of raw cane or beets - Comp of bacteriostat in controlling microorganisms in cane sugar & beet sugar mills - 
    Potassium myristate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium nitrate - MISC, REG, < 200 ppm of finished roe Used as a curing agent in the processing of cod roe -172.160; PRES, PS, source of nitrite used in pdtn of cured red meat & poultry pdts - 181.33
    Potassium nitrite - PRES, PS, source of nitrite used in pdtn of cured red meat & poultry pdts - 181.34
    Potassium oleate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium palmitate - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Potassium permanganate - BL, REG, < 50 ppm calc as manganese - used as bleaching agent in modified food starch - 172.892
    Potassium persulfate - REG, GMP, Adj for coatings of fresh citrus - 172.210
    Potassium phosphate (dipotassium phosphate) (dibasic) - SEQ, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.6285; Part 133 (133.169, 133.173, 133.179), Process Cheeses
    Potassium phosphate (monobasic) - REG, <0.5% by wt of frozen eggs as a color preservative - 160.110
    Potassium salts of fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP, In foods as binder, emulsifier, & anti-caking agent - 172.863
    Potassium sorbate - PRES, GRAS/FS - 182.3640; < 0.3% as sorbic acid - Part 133 (133.123, 133.173, 133.179, 133.180, 133.188) Cheeses; FS, < 0.1% by wt - Part 150 (150.141, 150.161), Fruit Butter & Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; < 0.1% or 0
    Potassium stearate - MISC, REG, GMP, Specifications -172.863; AF for beet sugar & yeast - 173.340; Comp of chewing gum - 172.615
    Potassium sulfate - FL/ADJ, GRAS, GMP - 184.163
    Potassium trichloroisocyanurate - SANI, REG, < 100 ppm avail halogen as chlorine - Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Potassium triphosphate - BC, REG, GMP - 173.310
    Prednisolone - VET, REG, ZERO - In milk from dairy animals treated with mastitis formulations - 556.520
    Prednisone - VET, REG, ZERO - In milk from dairy animals treated with mastitis formulations - 556.530
    Prickly ash bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Primisulfuron-methyl - REG, 0.02 ppm - As res in corn grain & milk - 40 CFR 180.452; 0.01 ppm - As res in eggs do; 0.01 ppm - As res in meat, meat by-products & fat of cattle, goats, hogs, poultry & sheep & corn - do
    Procaine penicillin - VET, REG, Used as injection in animals - 574.274b et al; 0.05 ppm - Res in uncooked edible tissues of cattle - 556.510; 0.01 ppm - Res in uncooked edible tissues of turkey - 556.510; ZERO - Res in uncooked edible tissues of chicken, pheasants, quail, swine, sheep, in eggs, in m
    Profenofos - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues 40 CFR 180.404
    Profluralin - HERB, REG, 0.3 ppm - As res in/on soybean hay - 40 CFR 180.348; 0.1 ppm - As res in/on cottonseed, pod vegs, sunflower seeds - do; 0.02 ppm - As res in/on eggs or milk, meat, fat & meat by-products of cattle, hogs, goats poultry & sheep - do
    Progesterone - VET, REG, ZERO - No res above stated tolerances in uncooked edible tissues & by-products of lambs & steers - 556.540; Use as implant in combination with estradiol valerate - 522.1940 (NOT TO BE USED IN VEAL CALVES)
    Proline (L form only) - NUTR/DS, REG, Food Additive Reg - 172.320
    Propane - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1655; Combustion product gas - 173.350
    Propanil - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.272
    Propanoic acid -SANI, REG - 178.1010
    Propargite -PEST,REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.259
    Proparquite - PEST, REG, 80 ppm in dr apple pomace - In processed feeds as a result of application to growing crops as res - 40 CFR 186.5000; 40 ppm in dr citrus pulp & dr grape pulp
    Propetamphos - PEST, REG, Use as spot/crack/crevice treatment (1 % max.) Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.541
    Propionic acid - PRES, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1081; Part 133 (133.149, 133.195), Propionic acid produced by bacteria, Swiss & Gruyere Cheese
    Propyl alcohol, normal - FEED, REG, Used in feeds as a source of metabolizable energy - 573.880
    Propylene glycol - MISC, GRAS/FS - 184.1666; Part 169 (169.175, 169.176, 169.177, 169.178, 169.180, 169.181), Vanilla Extract; Carrier for enzyme modified soy protein; Part 582.1666 - In animal feeds
    Propylene glycol alginate (Propylene glycol ester of alginic acid) - MISC, REG, stab < 0.5% by wt in frozen dairy desserts, emul/stab/or thickener < 0.5% by wt in baked goods, emul/stab/thickener <0.
    Propylene glycol mono- & di- esters of fats & fatty acids - EMUL, REG/FS, GMP - 172.856; Part 136 (136.110, 136.115, 136.130, 136.160, 136.180), Bakery Pdts; AF, REG, GMP, Defoamer agent compound - 173.340
    Propylene oxide - MISC, REG, < 25% for treatment - In modifying food starch. Residual propylene chlorohydrin < 5 ppm - 172.892; FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.491
    Propyl gallate - AOX, GRAS, AOX content <0.02% of fat or oil content incl essential oil content of food - 184.1660; Margarine - 166.110; REG, 0.1% alone or/BHA/BHT - Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615; Pressure-sensitive adhesives used as the food contact surface of labels &/or tapes applied to food
    Propylparaben (propyl-p-hydroxybenzoate) - PRES, GRAS/FS, GMP - 184.1670; < 0.1%, Part 150, 150.141, 150.161), Art Sw Jelly & Preserves; REG, 0.025%, In mastitis formulations - 526.820; REG, ZERO - In milk from dairy animals - 556.550
    Protein concentrate, whole fish - DS, REG, GMP -172.385
    Protein, hydrolyzed - MISC, FS, Part 161.190(a), Cnd Tuna
    Protein, vegetable, hydrolyzed - Cnd Vegs, Part 150 (155.120, 155.130, 155.170, 155.200)
    Prussiate of soda, yellow (Na ferrocyanide decahydrate) - AC, REG, < 13 ppm calc as anhydrous Na ferrocyanide - Anticaking agent in salt - 172.490; AC/FEED, REG, 13 ppm -do; In salt for animal consumption -573.1020
    Psyllium seed husk - STAB, FS, 0.5% by wt - Part 135, Frozen Desserts
    Pteroylglutamic acid (aka folic acid) - X-ref Folic acid, DS, REG, < 0.40 mg w/o ref to age or physiological state As comp of dietary suppls, provided directions for use, when followed < tolerance - l72.345
    Pyrantel tartrate - FEED/VET, REG, 10 ppm - In swine liver & kidney as res - 556.560; 1 ppm - In swine muscle as res - 556.560; Uses: In swine feeds - 558.485; Powder & Tabs - 520.2045
    Pyrethrins - FUM, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.128
    Pyridoxine hydrochloride - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP -182.5676, 184.1676
    Pyrophyllite (aluminum silicate monohydrate) -AC/MISC, REG, < 2.0% in complete animal feed - As sole anticaking aid, blending agent, pelleting aid, or carrier in animal feed - 573.900
    Quassia - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Quaternary ammonium chloride combination - PRES, REG, See Reg, In proc of sugar cane juice and in cane sugar mills - 172.165, 173.320
    Quebracho bark - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Quillaia (soapbark) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Quince seed - NAT, GRAS - 182.40
    Quinine hydrochloride or sulfate - FLAV, REG, < 83 ppm as quinine - Flavoring agent in carbonated bevs - 172.575
    Quizalofop ethyl - HERB, REG, USE: Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.441
    Radiation and Radiation sources - Ionizing radiation for the treatment of food - REG gamma rays of the radionuclides cobalt-60 or cesium-137; electrons generated from machine sources at energies not to exceed 10 million electron volts; and x-rays generated from machine sources at energies not to exc
    Rapeseed oil, fully hydrogenated - STAB, GRAS, GMP, See REG, Use in peanut butter - 184.1555(a)
    Rapeseed oil, fully hydrogenated, superglycerinated -EMUL, GRAS, GMP, See REG, Use in shortenings for cake mixes - 184.1555(b)
    Rapeseed oil, low erucic acid - MISC, GRAS, GMP, See REG, Except in infant formula - 184.1555(c); May be declared on label as "Canola Oil"
    Rapeseed oil, low erucic acid, partially hydrogenated MISC, GRAS, GMP, See Reg, Except in infant formula -184.1555(c)(2)
    Red saunders (red sandalwood) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Regenerated cellulose - MISC, REG, See REG, As an ion-exchange resin - 173.25(a)(20)
    Rennet (Rennin) - MISC, GRAS, Milk - Part 131; Cheese and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; In animal feeds -582.1685; GRAS, GMP, See REG - 184.1685
    Resin, from formaldehyde, acetone, or tetraethylenepentamine - MISC, REG, See REG, As an ion-exchange resin - 173.25(a)(8)
    Rhatany root - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Rhizopus oryzae - MISC, REG, Source of carbohydrase for prod of dextrose from starch - 173.130
    Rhubarb, garden root (Rheum rhaponticum L) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Rhubarb root - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Riboflavin - NUTR/DS, GRAS/FS, Cereal Flours - Part 137; Alimentary Pastes - Part 139; Bakery Prods - Part 136; GRAS, GMP - 182.5695, 184.1695
    Riboflavin-5-phosphate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP -182.5697, 184.1697
    Rice bran wax - CTG/MISC, REG, < 50 m - Ctg for candy - 172.890;< 50 ppm - Ctg for fresh fruits & vegs -72.890; < 2.5% - In chewing gum as plasticizing material - 172.890, 172.615
    Robenidine HCl - FEED, REG, 0.2 ppm - As residue in chicken fat & skin - 556.580; 0.1 ppm neg residue - In other edible tissue of chickens - 556.580; Use & other info -558.515
    Rose absolute (otto of roses, attar of roses) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Rose buds, flowers, fruit (hips), leaves - ESO, GRAS
    Rose geranium - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Roselle - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Rosemary - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Rosidinha (rosadinha) - MISC, REG - 172.615
    Rosin (colophony) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only -172.510
    Rosin, gum, glycerol ester - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615
    Rosin, gum or wood, pentaerythritol ester, partially hydrogenated pentaerythritol ester, or partially hydrogenated glycerol ester - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615
    Rosin, methyl ester, partially hydrogenated - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615; SY/FL -172.515
    Rosi, partial dimerized, calcium salt or partially (catalytically) hydrogenated - CTG, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus fruit - 172.210
    Rosin, polymerized glycerol ester, partially hydrogenated glycerol ester, or partially dimerized glycerol ester -MISC, REG, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615
    Rosin, tall oil, glycerol ester-MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615
    Rosin, wood - CTG, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus fruit -172.210
    Rosin, wood, glycerol ester - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615; MISC, REG - 172.735
    Rosin, wood, pentaerythritol ester of maleic anhydride - CTG, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus fruit - 172.210
    Roxarsone - FEED/VET, REG, See 3-nitro 4-hydroxy phenyl arsenic acid (Arsenic) for tolerances - 556.60; Use: In chicken & swine feeds - 558.530; In Drinking Water of chickens, turkeys, & swine - 520.2087, 520.2088
    Rubber, butadiene-styrene - MISC, REG, Comp of chew­ing gum base - 172.615
    Rubber (natural) smoked sheet and latex solids -MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Rue - SP/ESO, GRAS, < 2 ppm - 184.1698
    Rue, oil - FL/ADJ, GRAS, See REG - 184.1699
    Rum - FLAV, FS, Cnd Fruits - Part 145
    Saccharin (ammonicalcium, or sodium) -NNS, REG/ITEM, < 12 mg /fl oz - In bevs and fruit juice drinks & bases or mixes - 180.37; < 20 mg/teaspoonful of sugar sweetening equivalency - In sugar substitutes for cooking or table use - 180.37; < 30 mg/serving - In processed foods -180.37; Part 145 - Cnd F
    Saffron - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20 - Not permitted in standardized mayonnaise (169.140) or salad dressing (169.150); Color additive - 73.500
    Safrole & any oil containing safrole - ILL, No legal use in food 189.180
    Safrole-free extract of sassafras - FLAV, REG, Flavoring in food - 172.580
    Sage, Greek - ESO/SP, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Sage, Spanish - SP, GRAS - 182.20
    St. John's bread - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    St. Johnswort leaves, flowers and caulis - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP - In alc bevs only, Hypericin-free alcohol distillate form only - 172.510
    Salicylic acid - MISC, REG, Zero Tolerance - Residue in milk from dairy animals - 556.590; Use - Comp of mastitis formulations - 526.820
    Salinomycin - FEED, REG, Use - In chicken feeds -558.550
    Salts of fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP - 172.863
    Sandalwood, white (yellow or East Indian), red -FL/ADJ, REG, GMP - In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Sandarac - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Sanitizing solutions - SANI, REG, For use on food proc equipment followed by adequate draining. See individual compounds for limitations on uses and concentrations -178.1010
    Sarsaparilla - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, Natural flavor -172.510
    Sassafras extract, safrole free - FLAV, REG, GMP -172.580
    Sassafras leaves - FLAV/ADJ, REG, GMP, Must be safrole free - 172.510
    Savory, winter or summer - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10,
    Schinus molle - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Selenium as Sodium Selenite or Selenate - FEED, REG, < 0.1 ppm in complete feed - Uses: In complete feeds for chickens, swine, turkeys, sheep, beef cattle, dairy cattle & ducks - 573.920; < 0.3 ppm - In prestarter & starter rations for swine - 573.920
    Senna, Alexandria - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Serine (L-form only) - NUTS/DS, REG - 172.320
    Serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Sesame - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Silica aerogel - AF, GRAS - 182.1711
    Silicon dioxide - AC, REG, < 2.0% by wt of food - Used only in those foods where anticaking effect is demonstrated 172.480;REG, < 2% by wt of feed - In feed & feed components as anticaking or grinding agent - 573.940 for use limit; FS, < 1.0% by wt of finished food -
    Silver nitrate -- REG, Used as an antimicrobial agent, in an aqueous solution with hydrogen peroxide, in bottled water. Silver nitrate NTE 17 ug/kg in the treated bottled water, and hydrogen peroxide NTE 23 mg/kg. - 172.167
    Simaruba bark - FL/ADJ, REG, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Simazine - HERB, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.213
    Sloe berries (blackthorn berries) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Smoke prepared by condensing or precipitating wood smoke - FLAV, FS, Past Proc Cheese - Part 133; Cnd Tuna -161.190
    Snakeroot, Canadian (wild ginger) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Sodium acetate - B&N, GRAS/FS, Art Sw Fruit Jelly -150.141, Art Sw Fruit Pres and Jams - 150.161; BC, REG, Comp of boiler water additive - 173.310; GRAS, GMP -184.1721; GRAS, Migr from cotton and cotton fabrics used in dry food pkg - 182.70; In animal feeds - 582.121
    Sodium acid phosphate - SEQ, GRAS, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Froz Desserts - Part 135; GRAS, GMP - 182.6085
    Sodium acid pyrophosphate - B&N, GRAS/FS, Cereal Flours - Part 137; EMUL, FS, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; INH, FS, < 0.5% finished food - Prevent struvite crystal formation in cnd tuna - 161.190(a); In animal feeds - 582.1087
    Sodium alginate - STAB, GRAS/FS, Cheeses and Rel Prods - Part 133; Froz Desserts - Part 135; Art Sw Fruit Jelly - 150.141; Art Sw Fruit Pres and Jams - 150.161; GRAS - 184.1724; BC, REG, Comp of boiler water additive -173.310
    Sodium n-alkylbenzene sulfonate (alkyl group predominately C12 and C13 and not less than 95% C10 to C16) - MISC, REG, < 0.2% in wash water - Used in washing or to assist in lye peeling of fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Sodium aluminate - BC, REG, Comp of boiler water additive - 173.310; GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Sodium aluminosilicate (sodium silicoaluminate) - AC, GRAS/FS, < 2%, Dried whole eggs and egg yolks -160.105, 160.185; Grated Cheeses - 133.146; GRAS, < 2% -182.2727
    Sodium aluminum phosphate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Self-rising Flours & Meals - Part 137; EMUL, GRAS/FS, Cheeses, Various - Part 133; GRAS, GMP - 182.1781; In animal feeds - 582.1781
    Sodium aluminum sulfate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Cereal Flours - Part 137
    Sodium arsanilate - FEED, REG, See Arsenic
    Sodium ascorbate - PRES, GRAS, GMP - 182.3731
    Sodium benzoate GRAS/FS, < 0.1%, Fruit Pres & Art Sw Fruit Jelly & Pres - 150.141, 150.161; < 0.1%, Margarine -166.110; Conc. Orange Juice - 146.152, 146.154; GRAS, GMP - 184.1733
    Sodium bicarbonate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Cnd Peas - Part 155; Cnd Tomato Paste - 155.191; Cacao Prods - Part 163; Cereal Flours - Part 137; GRAS, GMP - 184.1736; MISC, REG, Used to treat sodium methyl sulfate - 173.385; SANI, REG - 178.1010(b)(41); In animal feeds - 582.1736
    Sodium bisulfite - PRES, GRAS, Not in meats or foods recognized as source of Vit B1, etc., See REG - 182.3739; GRAS, FS, Cnd Shrimp - 161.173
    Sodium borohydride - MISC, REG, < 310 ppm boron ­Used as modifier for hop extract - 172.560
    Sodium bromide - SANI, REG, < 200 ppm avail halogen -Adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Sodium calcium aluminosilicate hydrated (sodium calcium silicoaluminate) - AC, GRAS, GMP, < 2% - 182.2729
    Sodium carbonate - BC, REG, Boiler water additive -173.310; B&N, GRAS/FS, Cacao Prods - Part 163; Cnd Vegs Part 155; In animal feeds - 582.1742; GRAS, GMP -184.1742
    Sodium carbonate w/sodium mono- & dimethyl naphthalene sulfonates - MISC, REG, For use in potable water systems - 172.824; MISC, < 0.2% in wash water - Used in washing or to assist in lye peeling of fruits and vegs -173.315
    Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (cellulose gum) - The sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose, not less than 99.5% on a dry weight basis - MISC, GRAS, GMP, With one or any mixture of two or more gums permitted - 182.1745; STAB, As optional ingredient in following standar
    Sodium chloride - GRAS/FS, Milk and Cream - Part 131; Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Cnd Fruits -Part 145; Cnd Vegs - Part 155; Veg Juices - Part 156; Froz Vegs - Part 158; Fish and Shellfish - Part 161; Cacao Prods - Part 163; Margarine - Part 166; Food Dress and Flavorings - Part 169; GR
    Sodium chlorite - MISC, REG, GMP, Modifier for food starch - 172.892
    Sodium citrate - B&N/SEQ, GRAS/FS, Milk and Cream ­Part 131; Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Art Sw Fruit Jelly, Jam, and Pres - 150.141, 150.161; GRAS, GMP - 182.1751, 182.6751; In animal feeds - 582.1751
    Sodium cloxacillin - VET, REG, 0.01 ppm - As residues in milk - 556.165;
    Sodium cyclamate - NNS, ILL - Removed from GRAS list 10-21-69 - 189.135
    Sodium N-cyclohexyl-N-palmitoyl taurate - SANI, REG, Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010(b)(40)
    Sodium decylbenzenesulfonate - MISC, REG, GMP -Adjuvant for ctg on fresh citrus fruits - 172.210
    Sodium diacetate - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1754
    Sodium dichloroisocyanurate - SANI, REG, < 100 ppm available halogen - Followed by adequate drainage -178.1010
    Sodium 2,2-dichloropropionate (Dalapon) - PEST, REG, 20 ppm (calc as acid) - In dehydrated citrus pulp for cattle feed from application to citrus during growing season -40 CFR 186.1500
    Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate - PRES, REG, 3.0 ppm in raw cane - Comb wi Disodium ethylenebisdithiocarbamate for control of microorganisms in cane sugar mills -173.320; 3.0 ppm in raw cane or sugar beets - Comb w/Disodium ethylene bisdithiocarbamate & ethylene diamine for control of micro organisms
    Sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate - SANI, REG, GMP, Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate - MISC, REG, < 0.2% in wash water - Surface active agent in commercial detergents used in washing fruits & vegs, or to assist in lye peeling these prods - 173.315
    Sodium-2-ethyl-hexylsulfate - MISC, REG, < 0.2% in wash water - Used in washing or to assist in lye peeling of fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate - See Prussiate of soda
    Sodium fluoride - NUTR, PD/ILL, GMP, X-ref - Fluorine containing compounds
    Sodium glucoheptonate - BC, REG, < 1 ppm cyanide in compound - Boiler water additive - 173.310
    Sodium gluconate - MISC, GRAS/FS, GMP - 182.6757
    Sodium hexametaphosphate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310; SEQ, GRAS/FS, Fruit Jellies - Part 150; Cheese - Part 133; Froz Desserts - Part 135; Food Dress - Part 169; GRAS, GMP - 182.6760; GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Sodium humate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive -173.310
    Sodium hydroxide - B&N, GRAS/FS, Cocoa Prods - Part 163; MISC, GRAS - 184.1763; BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310; In animal feeds - 582.1763; MISC, REG, < 1% - In modifying food starch - 172.892; MISC - Used in manufacture of modified hop extract - 172.5
    Sodium hypochlorite - MISC, REG, < 0.055 lb Cl per lb drystarch; 0.45% active O2 from H2O2; and < 25% propyleneoxide, or not to exceed 0.0082 lb Cl per lb of dry starch - In modifying food starch, residual propylene- chlorohydrin < 5 ppm - 172.892; REG, GMP, Used in washing or to assist in the lye p
    Sodium hypophosphite - EMUL/STAB, GRAS, GMP -184.1764
    Sodium iodate - DS, GRAS, Animal feed; Source of Iodine -Trace Mineral - 582.80
    Sodium iodide - DS, GRAS, Animal feed; Source of Iodine - Trace Mineral - 582.80; SANI, REG, < 25 ppm I in sln -Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Sodium lactate - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1768
    Sodium laurate - MISC, REG, X-ref wi fatty acids, salts of -172.863
    Sodium lauryl sulfate - EMUL, REG, < 125 ppm (0.0125%) - In liquid & froz egg whites - 172.822; < 1,000 ppm (0.1%) - In egg white solids - 172.822; < 5,000 ppm (0.5%) wt of gelatin - Whipping agent in gelatin used in preparing marshmallows - 172.822; AF, REG, < 25 ppm in finished product - As a surf
    Sodium lignosulfonate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310
    Sodium lignum sulfonate - FEED, REG, < 4% of finished pellets - As sole pelleting aid in animal feeds - 576.600
    Sodium metabisulfite - PRES, GRAS, GMP, Not in meats or foods recognized as a source of Vit B1, etc., See REG -182.3766; GRAS/FS, Fruit Jellies - Part 150; BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310
    Sodium metaphosphate - EMUL, GRAS/FS, Cheeses -Part 133; GRAS, GMP - 182.6769
    Sodium metasilicate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1769a
    Sodium methyl sulfate - EMUL, REG, < 0.1% in pectin -As a proc residue in pectin - 173.385
    Sodium mono- & di-methyl naphthalene sulfonates -MISC, REG, < 0.2% in wash water - Used in washing or to assist in lye peeling of fruits & vegs - 173.315; REG, < 250 ppm - In sodium carbonate for use in potable water systems - 172.824;AC, REG, < 0.1% - In fatty acids, salts of - 172.863
    Sodium nicotinate - ILL, Request for extension of statute and for filing of petition denied. Deceptive use in ground meat for color retention.
    Sodium nitrate - PRES, REG, < 500 ppm - Alone or w/ sodium nitrite as a preservative and color fixative in smoked, cured salmon, shad, & sablefish, or in meat-curing preparations for home curing of me
    Sodium nitrite - PRES, REG, < 200 ppm - Alone or with sodium nitrate as a preservative and color fixative in smoked, cured salmon, shad & sablefish; or in meat curing preparations for home curing of m
    Sodium 1-octanesulfonate - SANI, REG - Comp of sanitizing sln - > 156 to < 312 ppm, isopropyl alcohol may be added as an optional ingredient - Followed by adequate draining - 178.1010(b)(27); Comp of sanitizing sln - Sulfuric acid may be added as an optional ingredient - Followed by adequate drainin
    Sodium oleate - MISC, REG, X-ref wi fatty acids, salts of -172.863
    Sodium palmitate - MISC, REG, X-ref wi fatty acids, salts of - 172.863
    Sodium pantothenate - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 182.5772
    Sodium pectinate - MISC, GRAS - In animal feeds -582.1775; EMUL/STAB, GRAS, GMP - 184.1588
    Sodium phosphate (mono-, di-, and tribasic) - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 182.1778; SEQ, GRAS, GMP - 182.6778; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5778, 182.8778; BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310; GRAS/FS - Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161
    Sodium phosphate (monobasic) (monosodium phos­phate) - PRES, GRAS/FS, < 0.5% - Froz Eggs - 160.110; Cacao Prods - Part 163
    Sodium phosphate (dibasic) (disodium phosphate) - GRAS, GMP - 182.6290; GRAS/FS- Froz Deserts - Part 135; Enriched Farina - 137.305; Macaroni and Noodle Prods - Part 139;
    Sodium polyacrylate-acrylamide resin - MISC, REG, < 2.5% wt of juice or liquor - In beet sugar or cane sugar juice to control organic and mineral scale - 173.5
    Sodium polyacrylate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310; MISC, REG, < 3.6 ppm of raw juice weight -Mineral scale inhibition in beet and cane sugar prod
    Sodium polymethacrylate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310
    Sodium potassium tartrate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Cheeses - Part 150; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1804; In animal feeds -582.1804
    Sodium propionate - PRES, GRAS/FS, GMP, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams -150.141, 150.161; Bakery Prods - Part 136; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1784
    Sodium pyrophosphate - SEQ, GRAS, GMP - 182.6787
    Sodium saccharin -NNS, GRAS/INTERIM, See Saccharin - 180.37
    Sodium salts of fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP, Binder, emulsifier, and anticaking agent in food - 172.860, 172.863
    Sodium sesquicarbonate - MISC, GRAS, GMP -184.1792
    Sodium silicate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive -173.310;
    Sodium silicoaluminate - AC, GRAS/FS, X-ref - Sodium aluminosilicate - Dried whole eggs and egg yolks - 160.105, 160.185
    Sodium sorbate - PRES, GRAS/FS, < 0.3% by wt as sorbic acid - Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods, alone or comb wi potassium sorbate or sorbic acid - Part 133; 0.1% by wt -Fr
    Sodium stearate - MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615; X-ref wi 172.863; STAB, PS, Migr from food pckg material - 181.29
    Sodium stearoyl lactylate - REG, As follows unless pre­cluded by Food Standards - 172.846; < 0.5% by weight of flour - As dough strengthener, emulsifier, or proc aid in baked prods, pancakes, waffles and prepared mixes of these; < 0.2% by weight of finished food - As surface active agent, emulsifier
    Sodium stearyl fumarate - MISC, REG, < 1% by weight -As conditioning agent in dehydrated potatoes or in processed cereals for cooking unless food standards precludes such use - 172.826; REG, < 0.2% by weight of food - As a conditioning agent in starch thickened or flour-thick-ened foods - 172.826; S
    Sodium sulfachloropyrazine monohydrate - VET, REG, ZERO - Residues in edible tissues of chickens - 556.625; Use: Drinking water - 520.2184
    Sodium sulfate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive -173.310; MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Sodium sulfide - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Sodium sulfite - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive -173.310; PRES, GRAS, GMP, Not in meats or foods recognized as source of Vit B1, etc., See REG - 182.3798
    Sodium sulfo-acetate derivatives (mono- & di-glycerides) - EMUL, FS, <0.5% - Margarine - 166.110
    Sodium tartrate - MISC, GRAS/FS, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1801
    Sodium tetrapyrophosphate - SEQ, GRAS/FS, X-ref wi tetrasodium pyrophosphate - 182.6789
    Sodium thiosulfate - SEQ, GRAS, GMP, < 0.1% - In table salt - 184.1807; < 0.00005% - In alc bevs - 184.1807
    Sodium p-toluenesulfonchloramide - SANI, REG, GMP - Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010(b)(3)
    Sodium trichloroisocyanurate - SANI, REG, < 100 ppm available Cl - Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Sodium trimetaphosphate - MISC, REG, < 0.4% as phosphorus - Food starch modifier - 172.892
    Sodium tripolyphosphate - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 172.310; MISC, REG, < 0.4% as phosphorus -Food starch modifier - 172.892; SEQ, GRAS, GMP -182.1810, 182.6810; GRAS, Migr from cotton and cotton fibers used in dry food pckg - 182.70; GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 
    Sodium xylenesulfonate - SANI, REG, 31-62 ppm -Comp of sanitizing sln - 178.1010
    Solvent Extraction Process for Citric Acid - MISC, REG -173.280
    Sorbic acid - PRES, GRAS/FS, < 0.2% - Cheeses and Cheese Rel Prods - Part 133; PRES, GRAS/FS, < 0.3% by weight as sorbic acid, alone or comb wi potassium or sodium sorbate -Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods
    Sorbitan monooleate - EMUL, REG, See REG, Use: In clarification of cane and beet sugar juice or liquor - 173.75
    Sorbitan monostearate - EMUL, REG, < 0.4% alone or any comb of Polysorbate 60, 65, or 80 of the weight of finished whipped edible oil topping; > 0.4% in comb if Polysorbate 60 < 0.77% and Sorbitan monostearate < 0.27% of weight of fin
    Sorbitol - MISC, GRAS, GMP, See REG - 184.1835; GRAS, Migrate to food from paper and paperboard prods -182.90
    Soybean oil, hydrogenated - GRAS, Migr from cotton and cotton fabrics used in dry food pckg - 182.70
    Soybean oil fatty acids, hydroxylated - AF, REG, GMP, Defoamer agent compound - 173.340
    Soybean protein, isolated - GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods; GRAS/FS, Margarine -166.110
    Spearmint - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Spectinomycin - VET, REG, 0.1 ppm (neg res) - In edible tissues of chickens as residue - 556.600; Use: Drinking water - 520.2123b; Injection - 522.2120
    Sperm oil - CTG, REG, GMP, Adjuvant in ctgs on fresh citrus fruits - 172.210
    Sperm oil, hydrogenated - MISC, REG, GMP, Release agent or lubricant in bakery pans - 173.275
    Spike lavender - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Spruce needles & twigs - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Stannous chloride - PRES, GRAS/FS, < 15 ppm calc as tin - Cnd Asparagus in glass - 155.200; GRAS/FS, 15-20 ppm calc as tin - Cnd Asparagus in glass wi lids lined wi inert material -155.200; MISC, REG - < 20 ppm calc as tin - For color retention in glass-packed asparagus - 172.180; GRAS, GMP (< 0.001
    Star anise - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Starch - SANI, REG - Comp, wi or without dextrin, of san­itizing sln - 178.1010
    Starch, modified food - MISC, FS, GMP, Salad Dressing - 169.150;Vanilla powder - 169.179; Vanilla-vanillin powder -169.182; REG, GMP, See REG for types of modified starch -172.892
    Starch, acid modified - GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Starch, pregelatinized - GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90; FEED, REG, 30 gm/twice daily - Use in water of newborn calves - 520.2155
    Starch, unmodified - GRAS/FS, GMP, Cereal Flours and Rel Prods - Part 137; Salad Dressing - 169.150; Vanilla Powder -169.179; Vanilla-vanillin powder - 169.182; GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Starter Distillate - FL/ADJ, GRAS, GMP - 184.1848
    Stearic acid - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum -172.615; REG, X-ref wi fatty acids - 172.860; GRAS, GMP, 184.1090
    Stearyl alcohol, synthetic - MISC, REG, GMP, X-ref wi fatty alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Stearyl citrate - PRES, GRAS/FS, <0.15% - Margarine -166.110; GRAS, GMP, <0.15% - 182.6851
    Stearyl monoglyceridyl citrate - STAB, REG, GMP, In shortenings - 172.755
    Stearoyl propylene glycol hydrogen succinate - See Succistearin
    Sterculia gum (karaya gum) - MISC, GRAS - 184.1349
    Storax, or styrax - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors only - 172.510
    Streptomycin - FEED/VET, REG, ZERO - In edible tissues of chickens, turkeys, swine and in eggs as residue -556.610; Feed use: 558.55; 558.58; 558.62; 558.274; 558.376; 558.430; 558.460; 558.530; Other; Dosage forms - 544.170, 544.173;Injection - 544.275; PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 1
    Styrene - MISC, REG, See REG - Ion-exchange mem­brane - 173.20; Ion-exchange resin - 173.25; SY/FL -172.515
    Styrene, polymeric compounds - MISC, REG, See REG - Ion-exchange resins - 173.25
    Succinic acid - GRAS/FS - Acidified Skim Milk - 131.144; MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1091; In animal feeds - 582.1091
    Succinic acid, 2,2-dimethylhydrazide - PLANT REGULATOR, REG, 135 ppm - In dried prunes resulting from application to the growing plums as residue - 193.410
    Succinic anhydride - MISC, REG, GMP, Food starch modifier - 172.892
    Succinylated gelatin - MISC, REG, < 15% - Comp of microcapsules for flavoring oils - 172.230
    Succinylated monoglycerides - EMUL, REG, < 3.0% by weight - In liquid & plastic shortenings - 172.830; MISC, REG/FS, < 0.5% weight of flour - As a dough conditioner -alone or comb/w calcium stearyl-2-lactylate, lactylic stearate or sodium stearyl fumarate (See Part 136) -172.830
    Succistearin (stearoyl propylene glycol hydrogen succinate) - EMUL, REG, GMP, In or wi shortenings & edible oils used in cakes, cake mixes, fillings, icings, pastries, and toppings - 172.765
    Sucralose - NNS, REG, GMP, Sweetening agent -172.831
    Sucrose - NUTRS, GRAS, GMP - 184.1854
    Sucrose acetate isobutyrate (SAIB) - STAB, REG, Used as a stabilizer of emulsions of flavoring oils used in nonalcoholic beverages not to exceed 300 milligrams/kilogram of the finished beverage - 172.833
    Sucrose fatty acid esters - REG, GMP, For use as emulsifier, texturizer, and component of fruit ctgs - in chewing gum, confections, frostings, surimi-based seafood products, coffee and tea beverages - SeE172.859 for specifications
    Sucrose oligoesters - EMUL/STAB, REG, Used in choco­late and butter-substitute spreads at a level not to exceed 2.0% - 172.869
    Strawberry aldehyde (C-16 aldehyde) - SY/FL, GRAS, X-ref wi 3-Methyl-3-phenyl glycidic acid ethyl ester - 182.60
    Sugar beet extract flavor base - FLAV, REG, GMP, In foods - 172.585
    Sulfabromomethazine - VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible tissues of cattle - 556.620; In milk - do; Uses: As bolus - 520.2170
    Sulfachloropyrazine -VET, REG, ZERO - Residue in uncooked edible chicken tissue - 556.625; Use: In drinking water of chickens - 520.2184
    Sulfachlorpyridazine - VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - In uncooked edible tissue of calves & swine as residue - 556.630; Uses - 520.2200, 522.2200 (Oral Dosage Forms)
    Sulfadimethoxine -VET/FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm - In uncooked edible tissues & by-prods of cattle, chickens, turkeys, and ducks as residue - 556.640; 0.01 ppm - In milk as residue - 556.640; Uses & other info - Drinking water, tablets, suspension - 520.2220: As injection - 522.2220
    Sulfadimethoxine + Ormetoprim - FEED, REG, Sulfa 0.1 ppm neg residue - Residues in uncooked edible tissues of chickens, turkeys, cattle, ducks, salmonids and catfish -556.640; Sulfa 0.01 ppm neg residue - Residue in milk -556.640; Ormet 0.1 ppm neg residue - Residue in edible tis­sues of chickens, t
    Sulfaethoxypyridazine - FEED/VET, REG, 0.1 ppm -Residue in edible tissues of cattle - 556.650; ZERO -Residues in milk and uncooked edible tissue of swine -556.650; Use: Drinking water of cattle & swine & as tablets - 522.2240;Injection - 522.2240; Use: Feeds - 558.579
    Sulfamerazine (N-[4 methyl-l2-pyrimidnyl] sulfanil­amide) - FEED, REG, ZERO - In edible tissues of trout as residue - 556.660; Use if fish feed - 558.582
    Sulfamethazine -VET, REG, Use: As tablet or bolus in cattle - 520.2260a; 0.1 ppm - As residue in uncooked edible tissues of cattle, swine, turkeys, chickens - 556.670
    Sulfamethazine a) (w/chlortetracycline & penicillin) b) (w/tylosin) - VET/FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm - In uncooked edible tissues of chickens, turkeys, cattle & swine - 556.670; Use in swine feeds - 558.145 (CTC & Pen) and 558.630 (Tylosin); Use in dosage forms - 520.2260
    Sulfamethazine sodium -VET, REG, 0.1 ppm - In uncooked edible tissue of chickens, turkeys, cattle & swine - 556.670;Use: In drinking water - 520.2661
    Sulfanitran (Acetyl[p-nitrophenyl]sulfanilamide) (w/alk-lomide) - FEED/VET, REG, ZERO - Residue in edible tis­sues & by-prods of chickens - 556.680; Feed uses; 558.376; 558.530; 558.376; Other: Drinking water -520.2320
    Sulfaquinoxaline - FEED, REG, Use: Feed for chickens, turkeys, & rabbits - 558.586; Dosage forms: In drinking water for chickens, turkeys, & cattle - 520.2325a; In drench for cattle - 520.2325b
    Sulfated butyl oleate - MISC, REG, < 2% by weight in aqueous emulsion - To dehydrate grapes to raisins -172.270
    Sulfathiazole (Combined w/Chlortetracycline and Penicillin) - FEED, REG, 0.1 ppm neg residue - In uncooked edible tissues of swine - 556.690; Uses in swine feeds - 558.155
    Sulfiting agents - PRES, GRAS, GMP, X-ref wi individual sulfiting agents - 182.3616, 182.3637, 182.3739, 182.3766, 182.3798, 182.3862
    Sulfomyxin (N-sulfomethylpolymyxin B-Sodium salt) -VET, REG, ZERO - In edible tissues of chickens & turkeys - 556.700;Use - 522.2340
    Sulfonated lignin, primarily as calcium & sodium salts - SP/ADJ, REG, GMP, X-ref - Calcium lignosulfonate -573.600; < 4% of finished pellets, of flake grain or fin feed Pelleting aid, binding aid, of flake grain, source of metabolizable energy in finished feed; < 11% molasses - Surfactant in molasse
    Sulfonated 9-octadecanoic acid - SANI, REG, 156-312 ppm - Comp of sanitizing sln - Followed by adequate drain­ing - 178.1010
    Sulfonated oleic acid, Na salt - SANI, REG, GMP, Comp of sanitizing sln - Followed by adequate draining - 178.1010
    Sulfur dioxide - PRES, GRAS/FS, Not in meats or in foods recognized as a source of Vitamin B1, etc. (See REG) - 182.3862; BL, REG, < 0.05% - Food starch modifier -172.892; FUNG, REG, 10.0 ppm - As residues in/on grapes -40 CFR 180.444
    Sulfuric acid - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1095; In animal feeds -582.1095; REG, GMP, Food starch modifier -172.892; REG, Manufacture of modified hop extract -172.560; REG, Manufacture of sodium methyl sulfate -173.385; SANI, REG, GMP, Comp of sanitizing sln -Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Synthetic fatty alcohols - MISC, REG, GMP, See Fatty Alcohols, synthetic - 172.864
    Synthetic flavoring substances - SY/FL, REG, GMP, SeE172.515 for listing and adjuvants
    Synthetic glycerin - MISC, REG, GMP, In food - 172.866 for specs
    Synthetic isoparaffinic petroleum hydrocarbons -MISC, REG, GMP - 172.882
    Synthetic paraffin & succinic derivatives - CTG, REG, GMP, Ctg on fresh citrus, muskmelons, and sweet potatoes
    Tagetes (marigold) oil - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, As oil only -172.510
    Talc - GRAS - 182.2437 (magnesium silicate)
    Tall oil rosin, glycerol ester of - MISC, REG, GMP, Softener for chewing gum - 172.615
    Tallow alcohol, hydrogenated - AF, REG, GMP, Comp of defoaming agent - 173.340
    Tallow, fatty acids - MISC, REG, GMP, In foods - 172.860
    Tallow, hydrogenated, oxidized or sulfated - AF, REG, GMP, X-ref - Comp of defoaming agent - 173.340
    Tamarind - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Tangerine - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Tannic acid - ESO, GRAS; NAT/FL/ADJ, GRAS, See REG, < .01% Baked Goods & Baking Mixes; < .015% - Alc bevs.; < .005% - Nonalc bevs.; < .04% - Froz dairy desserts & soft candy; 0.013% - Hard Candy; < 0.001% - Meat prods -184.1097; REG, In rendered animal fat - See 9 CFR 318.7
    Tannin (incl quebracho extract) - BC, REG, GMP, Boiler water additive - 173.310
    Tansy - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only; Finished bev thujone free - 172.510
    Tarragon - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Tartaric acid - MISC, GRAS/FS; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161; Acidified Skim Milk -131.144; GRAS, GMP - 184.1099; In animal feeds -582.1099
    Taurine - FEED, REG, <0.054% of the feed - Nutritional supplement in feed of growing chickens - 573.980
    Tea - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Technical white mineral oil - MISC, REG, < 3.0% - In min­eral supplements for animals; < 0.06% - In total ration of feed or feed concentrates - 573.680. Specs - 172.878; 178.3620
    Terpene resin (Beta-pinene polymer) - MISC, REG, < 0.07% of weight of capsule - Moisture barrier on soft gelatin capsules; < 7.0% of weight of powder - Moisture barrier on powders of ascorbic acid or its salts - 172.280
    Terpene resin (synthetic polymers of -pinene, -pinene, and/or dipentene & natural polymers of -pinene) - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum bases - 172.615
    Testosterone propionate -VET, REG, 1.3 ppb - As residues in liver of cattle (heifers) - 556.710; 1.9 ppb - As residues in kidney of cattle (heifers) - do; 2.6 ppb - As residues in fat of cattle (heifers) ; 0.64 ppb - As residues in muscle of cattle (heifers) - do
    2,4,5,4'-Tetrachlorodiphenyl sulfone (Tetradifon or Tedion) - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.174
    Tetracycline - VET, REG, 0.25 ppm - In uncooked tissues of calves, sheep, swine, chicken & turkeys - 556.720;
    Tetraethylenepentamine crosslinked with epichlorohydrin - REG, Comp of ion-exchange resins - 173.25
    -[p-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-omega-hydroxy-poly (oxyethylene) - PEST, REG, GMP - Adjuvant for pes­ticide use - 172.710
    Tetrasodium pyrophosphate - SEQ, GRAS/FS, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Ice Cream - Part 135; BC, REG, Comp of boiler water additive - 173.310; MISC, REG, < 0.3 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetracetate - MISC, REG, < 0.1 ppm in flume water - Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone) - AOX, REG, < 0.02% of fat or oil - Used alone or in comb wi BHA and/or BHT -Total antioxidants in food except standardized foods which do not list for such use - 172.185
    THBP (2,4,5-trihydroxybutyrophenone) - AOX, REG, < 0.02% of fat or oil - Used alone or in comb wi other permitted antioxidants - Total antioxidants, in foods except standardized foods which do not list for such use - 172.190
    Thiamine hydrochloride or mononitrate - NUTR/DS, GRAS/FS, Cereal Flours - Part 137; Macaroni/Noodle Prods - Part 139; Bakery Prods - Part 136; 184.1875/1878, 182.5875/5878
    Thiabendazole - FEED/VET, REG, 0.1 ppm neg residue -Residue in edible tissues of cattle, goats, sheep and swine - 556.730; 0.05 ppm neg residue - Residue in milk -556.730; Use: As dosage forms/block - 520.2380; As feed for cattle, goats, sheep, swine & pheasants - 558.615; FUNG, REG, Tolerances for 
    Thidiazuron - PEST, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.403
    Thiodicarb - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.407
    Thiodipropionic acid - AOX, GRAS, GMP, < 0.02% of fat or oil - Total antioxidants in food - 182.3109; PS, AOX, Migr from food-pkg material (addition of < 0.005% to food) -181.24
    Thiophanate, methyl - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.371
    Thiourea - AOX, BAN, BANNED PRIOR TO FAA - USE ILLEGAL - 189.190
    Thistle, blessed (holy thistle) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Threonine (L form only) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Thyme, White Thyme - SP/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Thyme, wild or creeping - SP/FLAV/ESO, GRAS - 182.10, 182.20
    Thymol iodide - DS, GRAS, In animal feed as source of trace mineral - 582.80
    Thymus capitatus (Spanish origanum) - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Tiamulin - FEED, REG, 0.4 ppm - Residue in swine liver -556.738; Use: Drinking Water - 520.2455; Use: Medicated Feed - 558.600
    Tocopherols - PRES, GRAS, GMP - 182.3890, 184.1890; DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.8890
    Tocopherol acetate - DS/NUTR, GRAS, GMP - 182.5892, 182.8892
    Tolu, Balsam, extract ands gum - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Tonka extract - SY/FL, BAN - See "Coumarin" - 189.130
    Torula yeast, dried (Candida utilis) - FLAV, REG, folic acid <0.04 mg/g yeast (approx 0.008 mg/g pteroyglutamic acid/g yeast) - In food, X-ref - Dried Yeasts - 172.896
    Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene containing 67-69% chlorine) - PEST, REG, 6 ppm - In or on crude soybean oil from use on growing crop as residue - 40 CFR 193.450
    Tragacanth (gum tragacanth) - STAB, GRAS/FS, Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Froz Desserts - Part 135; Food Dress and Flavorings - Part 169; Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161; GRAS -184.1351
    Tralomethrin - INSECT, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.422
    Trenbolone Acetate - VET, REG, 100 ppb - As residues in uncooked liver tissues of cattle - 556.739; 300 ppb - As residues in uncooked kidney tissues of cattle - do; 400 ppb - As residues in uncooked fat tissues of cattle - do; 500 ppb - As residues in uncooked muscle tissues of cattle - do; Use: As 
    Trenbolone Acetate & Estradiol - VET, REG, Use: As an implant in feedlot cattle (steers) - 522.2477; As residues in cattle - SeE556.739 (Trenbolone Acetate) and 556.240 (Estradiol)
    Triacetin (glyceryl triacetate or 1,2,3-propanetriol triacetate) - MISC, GRAS, GMP - 184.1901; FEED, REG, 6 ppm -In cottonseed hulls as residue - 40 CFR 186.5800
    Tricalcium phosphate - MISC/DS, GRAS/FS, < 2% by wt -Vanilla Powder 169.179; Cereal Prods - Part 137
    Tricalcium silicate - AC, GRAS, GMP, 2% - In table salt -182.2906
    Trichloroethylene - SOLV, REG, 25 ppm (0.0025%) -Decaffeinated ground coffee - 173.290; 10 ppm (0.001%) -Decaffeinated soluble (instant) coffee extract - 173.290; 30 ppm (0.003%) provided that if residues of other chlorinated solvents are also present, total residues in spice oleoresins < 30 ppm (0.
    Trichloroisocyanuric acid - SANI, REG, < 100 ppm avail halogen - Followed by adequate drainage - 178.1010
    Trichloromelamine - SANI, REG, GMP, See REG -Followed adequate drainage - 178.1010
    N-Trichloromethyl mercapto-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicar-boximide - FUM, REG, See Captan
    Triclopyr - FUNG, REG, 0.01 ppm - As residue in milk - 40 CFR 180.417; 0.05 ppm - As residue in meat, fat and meat by-prods of cattle, goats, hogs and sheep - do; 0.5 ppm - As residue in liver & kidneys of cattle, goats, hogs and sheep do
    Tricyclazole - FUNG, REG, 30 ppm - Residues in rice bran, rice hulls, and rice polishings
    Triethanolamine - MISC, REG, < 2 ppm in flume water -Used in flume water for washing sugar beets prior to slicing operation - 173.315
    Triethyl citrate - MISC, GRAS, 0.25% - In dried egg whites -182.1911
    Triethylenetetramine cross-linked with epichlorohydrin - REG, Comp of ion-exchange resins - 173.25
    Triflouromethane sulfonic acid - CATALYST, REG, < 0.2% of the reaction mixture to catalyze the directed esterification, <0.2 ppm fluoride as residue in product - In prod of cocoa butter substitute - 173.395
    Triflumizole - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.476
    Trifluoromethane sulfonic acid -MISC, REG -173.395
    Triforine - FUNG, REG, Tolerances for Residues - 40 CFR 180.382
    Trifuran - PEST, REG, 2 ppm - In peppermint & spearmint oil - 40 CFR 185.5900
    2,4,5-Trihydroxybutyrophenone (THBP) - AOX, REG, < 0.02% of fat or oil - Total antioxidants, in foods except standardized foods which do not list for such use - 172.190
    Trimethylamine - MISC, REG - 173.20
    Trisodium nitrilotriacetate - BC, REG, < 5 ppm in boiler feedwater - Not for steam contacting milk or milk prods -173.310
    Trisodium phosphate - EMUL, GRAS/FS, < 3% by weight of cheese - Cheese - Part 133; MISC, FS, Art Sw Fruit Jellies, Pres, and Jams - 150.141, 150.161
    Triticum (see dog grass) - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Tryptophan (L-form only) - NUTR/DS, REG - l72.320
    Tuberose - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Turmeric - SP/ESO, GRAS, Not permitted in standardized mayonnaise (169.140) & salad dressing (169.150) - 182.20
    Tunu - MISC, REG, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Turpentine - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Tylosin - FEED/VET, REG, 0.05 ppm - Residue in milk -556.740; 0.2 ppm - Residue in edible tissues of poultry, cattle & swine - do; Residues in eggs - do; Use: Drinking water - 520.2640;As Injection - 522.2640; For cattle, chicken, & swine feed uses see: 558.55; 558.58; 558.274; 558.625; 558.630; 558
    Tylosin & Sulfamethazine - FEED, REG, 0.2 ppm - Use in swine feeds - 558.630; Residues (Tylosin) in edible tissue of swine - 556.740; 0.1 ppm - Residues (Sulfamethazine) in edible tissues of swine - 556.740
    Tyrosine (L-form only) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Urea - GRAS, GMP, As formulation/fermentation aid in yeast -raised bakery prods, alc bevs, and gelatin prods -184.1923
    Urease enzyme from Lactobacillius fermentum - MISC, GRAS, To inhibit urethane formation in wine - 184.1924
    Valerian rhizome & roots - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In con­junction w/flavors - 172.510
    Valeric acid - MISC, REG, < 1% aliphatic acids - In lye peeling soln for fruits & vegs - 173.315
    Valine (L-form only) - NUTR/DS, REG - 172.320
    Vanilla - FLAV, GRAS/FS Cacao Prods - Part 163; Food Flavorings - Part 169; SP/ESO, GRAS - 182. 10, 182.20
    Vanillin - SYN/FL, GRAS/FS - Cacao Prods - Part 163; Food Flavorings - Part 169; GRAS - 182.60; Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Vegetable oils, brominated - FL/ADJ, INTERIM/REG, < 15 ppm - In fruit flavored bevs where not prohibited by Standards - 180.30
    Veronica - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Vervain, European - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only -172.510
    Verxite flakes - FEED, REG, < 1% - Anticaking or blending agent in ruminant feeds - 573.1000
    Verxite granules (Exfoliated hydrobiotite) - FEED, REG, < 5% - Nonnutritive bulking agent in poultry feed -573.1000; Anticaking, blending agent, pelleting aid, or non-nutritive carrier of nutrients in poultry, swine, & ruminant feed - do; < 1.5% - Anticaking, blending agent, etc. in dog food - 573.1
    Verxite grits - FEED, REG, < 1% - Partial roughage replacement in ruminant feeds - 573.1000
    Vetiver - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only - 172.510
    Vinyl acetate - MISC, REG, Modifier for food starch -172.892
    Vinyl chloride-vinylidene chloride copolymer - CTG, REG, GMP, Comp of ctg on fresh citrus fruits - 172.210
    Violet flowers & leaves - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Violet leaves absolute - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Violet, Swiss - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Virginiamycin - FEED, REG, 0.4 ppm - Residue in edible tissues, kidney, skin, & fat of swine - 556.750; 0.3 ppm -Residue in swine liver - 556.750; 0.1ppm - Residue in swine muscle - 556.750; Use in swin & chicken feeds - 558.635
    Vitamin A - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5930, 184.1930; GRAS/FS, Milk and Cream - Part 131; Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; Mellorine - 135.130; Margarine
    Vitamin A acetate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5933, 184.1930
    Vitamin A palmitate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5936, 184.1930
    Vitamin B - NUTR/DS, GRAS
    Vitamin B12 - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5945, 184.1945
    Vitamin C - See Ascorbic Acid
    Vitamin D - NUTR/DS, GRAS, Nutrient supplement -182.5950, 182.5953, 184.1950; > 350 IU/100 g, Cereal Prods - Part 137; 90 IU/100g, Macaroni and Noodle Prods -Part 139; 42 IU/100g, Milk - Part 131; 89 IU/100g - Milk prods
    Vitamin D2 - NUTR, REG, Crystalline vitamin D2 as a nutrient supplement at levels not to exceed 50 International Units (IU) per 100 grams (g) of soy beverages, 89 IU per 100 g of soy beverage products, 330 IU per 100 g of soy-based butter substitute spreads, and 270 IU per 100 g of soy-based cheese 
    Vitamin D3 - NUTR, REG, Nutrient supplement in calcium-fortified fruit juices and fruit juice drinks at levels not to exceed 100 IU per 240 mL, special dietary soy-protein based meal replacement beverages at = 140 IU per 240mL, special dietary meal replacement bars or other type bars at = 100 IU per
    Volatile Fatty Acids: Isobutyric Acid, Isovaleric Acid, methylbutyric Acid, m-Valeric Acid (As calcium or ammonium salts) - ADD, REG, 48-54% as ammonia salts - Use in dairy cattle feeds as source of energy - 573.914; 58-72% as calcium salts
    Walnut husks, leaves & green nuts - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Wax, paraffin (Fischer-Tropsch) - MISC, REG, GMP, Comp of chewing gum base - 172.615
    Wax, paraffin - CTG, FS, Surface ctg for certain cheeses -Part 133
    Wheat Starch - GRAS, Migr from cotton and cotton fabrics used in dry food pkg - 182.70
    Wheat gluten, vital - GRAS, GMP - 184.1322
    Whey, fermented, ammoniated, condensed - FA, REG, > 30% of dietary crude protein - Source of protein & non-protein nitrogen for cattle - 573.450
    Whey, reduced lactose whey, reduced minerals whey, whey protein concentrate -GRAS -184.1979, 184.1979a-c; GRAS/FS, Froz Desserts - Part 135
    White Mineral Oil - See Mineral Oil, White - 172.878
    Whole fish protein concentrate - DS, REG, See REG, < 20 g/ day when consumed regularly by children up to 8 yrs of age - For household use only - package size < 1 lb net wt - 172.385; < 8 ppm total fluoride content of finished food - When used in manufactured food - 172.385
    Wild Cherry bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Wood rosin - CTG, REG, GMP, X-ref wi Rosin, wood, For fresh citrus fruits - 172.210
    Woodruff, sweet - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In alc bevs only -172.510
    Xanthan gum - EMUL, REG, GMP, In foods which standards do not preclude use - 172.695; FS, Food Dress - Part 169; Cheeses and Rel Cheese Prods - Part 133; 0.25% max use level liquid feeds for ruminants - In animal feeds (stabilizer, thickener, suspending agent) - 573.
    Xylitol - MISC, REG, Amt used is not > that required to produce its intended effect - May be safely used in foods for special dietary uses - 172.395
    Yarrow - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In bevs only, finished bevs Thujone free - 172.510
    Yeast (Bakers, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) - FS, Egg Prods - Part 160
    Yeast, dried - DS, REG - In food provided total folic acid content < 0.04 mg/g of yeast - 172.896; NUTR, GRAS/FS, < 1.5% by wt of finished food - Enriched Corn Grits, Enriched Corn Meal - 137.235, 137.260; Macaroni and Noodle Prods - Part 139
    Yeast, dried, inactive - FLAV, REG/FS, < 0.25 parts for each 100 parts by weight of flour used - Bakery Prods - Part 136; Macaroni and Noodle Prods - Part 139; DS, REG - See Yeast, dried - 172.896
    Yeast, dried, irradiated - NUTR, GRAS/DS, Enriched Farina as source of Vitamin D - 137.305
    Yeast extract (Bakers) - FL/ADJ, GRAS, < 5% in food, See Specs - 184.1983
    Yeast, malt sprout extract - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, As a fla­vor enhancer - 172.590
    Yeast, torula, dried - DS, REG, GMP - In food provided total folic acid content < 0.04 mg/g of yeast - 172.896; X-Ref wi Torula Yeast
    Yellow prussiate of soda (sodium ferrocyanide decahy­drate) - See Prussiate of Soda, Yellow
    Yerba santa - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors -172.510
    Ylang-ylang - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Yucca, Joshua-tree - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Yucca, Mohave - FL/ADJ, REG, GMP, In conjunction w/flavors - 172.510
    Zein, powder - GRAS, GMP - 184.1984
    Zedoary - SP, GRAS - 182.10
    Zedoary bark - ESO, GRAS - 182.20
    Zeranol (Zearalanol) -VET, REG, ZERO - Residues in uncooked edible tissues of sheep - 556.760; 150 ppb - As residues in uncooked edible muscle tissue of cattle -556.760; 300 ppb - As residues in uncooked liver of cattle do; 450 ppb - As residues in uncooked kidney of cattle - do; 600 ppb - As residu
    Zinc (acetate, carbonate, chloride, oxide, sulfate) ­NUTR, GRAS, As nutritional dietary supplement in animal feed - 582.80
    Zinc bacitracin - FEED, REG, See Bacitracin
    Zinc chloride - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5985, 182.8985
    Zinc gluconate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5988, 182.8988
    Zinc methionine sulfate - NUTR, REG, Tablets - SeE172.399 for specs
    Zinc oxide - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5991, 182.8991
    Zinc stearate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP, Free from chick edema factor - 182.5994, 182.8994
    Zinc sulfate - NUTR/DS, GRAS, GMP - 182.5997, 182.8997; GRAS, Migr to food from paper and paperboard prods - 182.90
    Zoalene - FEED, REG, 2 ppm - Residues in uncooked fat of chickens - 556.770; 3 ppm - Residues in uncooked mus­cle meat of chickens - do; 3 ppm - Residues in uncooked muscle meat & liver of turkeys - do; 6 ppm - Residues in uncooked liver & kidneys of chickens - do; Use in chicken & turkey feeds - 55